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100th Post and Thank You

Seeing that this is my 100th post I wanted to give a big Thank You to the B&B community. I started looking into wet shaving before I new about B&B but my wet shaving experience would have been a pale comparison to what I have had without B&B and it's great community. SO HERE IS MY BIG THANK YOU. I look forward to many more years of B&B and the ADs that go along with it :lol:
Seeing that this is my 100th post I wanted to give a big Thank You to the B&B community. I started looking into wet shaving before I new about B&B but my wet shaving experience would have been a pale comparison to what I have had without B&B and it's great community. SO HERE IS MY BIG THANK YOU. I look forward to many more years of B&B and the ADs that go along with it :lol:

Cograts on 100 posts!
Even more importantly, congrats on converting to "real shaving" :laugh:
Congratulations! This is a great community to learn and share ideas on shaving and so much more.


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