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Van der Hagen Premium/luxury Shave set

Item Description

This is a comparison of 2 van der hagen shaving sets.


orange package: badger

Green package: boar

the boar is rough compared to the badger in the orange set. the best way i can describe the difference between the 2 brushes is that the badger brush feels more like a woman's make up brush, and the boar feels more substantial like a used paint brush that was risned throughly, and re-used for touch ups. its thick and strong.

the blue plastic handle of the boar brush also weighs substantially more than the windmill logo of the luxury badger brush. the luxury badger brush features black hollow feeling plastic, with a fake plastic coated chrome ring.


green set: bowl blue outside green inside

Orange set: Black windmill logo mug with handle

both are supplied from "liquid logic china" as denoted on the bottom of the mugs by a sticker placed on both.

black is fairly larger. blue is matte, inside is shiny ceramic.


Green: Van Der Hagen ($1.76 walmart) Peach

Orange: Van der hagen (~$4 amazon) white

both soaps are unscented, you get about 2 oz more with the orange box

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