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Trevarno natural

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Being in the unfortunate situation to have a girlfriend that is highly allergic to perfume I have been spending quite some time searching for a quality unscented shaving soap obtainable here in Denmark.

At a price of D.Kr. 45 (approx. $ 8.50) the price is, by Danish standards, fair.

What struck me first as I pulled the puck of soap out of the package was that it seemed rather hard compared to the other shaving soaps I have handeled.

Being unscented the soap smells nice and, well, soapy.

I have, so far, used the soap two times. Both times I have had problems building up a good lather. Both times I followed the excellent guides to be found on this forum. But, to no avail. The soap seems to be too hard to make an efficient lather using the bowl method. But, maybe I just haven't found the correct amount of water yet. Due to the lack of efficient lather my experience of the soap's moisturizing abilities isn't the best.

The soap consists of olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil and cocoa butter.

All in all this soap reminds me more of a classic hand soap than a shaving soap. I don't think I will be buing it again.


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Being in the unfortunate situation to have a girlfriend that is highly allergic to perfume I have been spending quite some time searching for a quality unscented shaving soap obtainable here in Denmark.

At a price of D.Kr. 45 (approx. $ 8.50) the price is, by Danish standards, fair.

What struck me first as I pulled the puck of soap out of the package was that it seemed rather hard compared to the other shaving soaps I have handeled.

Being unscented the soap smells nice and, well, soapy.

I have, so far, used the soap two times. Both times I have had problems building up a good lather. Both times I followed the excellent guides to be found on this forum. But, to no avail. The soap seems to be too hard to make an efficient lather using the bowl method. But, maybe I just haven't found the correct amount of water yet. Due to the lack of efficient lather my experience of the soap's moisturizing abilities isn't the best.

The soap consists of olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil and cocoa butter.

All in all this soap reminds me more of a classic hand soap than a shaving soap. I don't think I will be buing it again.

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