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The illustrious Trumper Skinfood (Coral)

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Well well well.... this is it... the mighty "Coral Trumper Skinfood." This stuff will always have a special place in my heart - as it was my first trumper product, and my first high end aftershave. Compared to Nivea and other *** products I had been using - I was in heaven. After having tried so many aftershaves however, it has very much been knocked off of its pedistal. It does a medeocre job of soothing the skin and such - but does a wonderful job "sealing" the skin, thus is a superb aftershave for summer use. I rarely use skinfood - however when I do it is always on a warm day, with a matching rose shaving cream. (Coral skinfood is "rose" scented)

See consistency below...

Bottom line.... decent stuff - but unless you just really just want to try it - I wouldn't recommend purchasing it.

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I just tried this for the first time this morning, and I really like it. I used a Cobra Classic razor, and after rubbing a few drops of Coral Skinfood on, it felt like I never shaved! It does have an odd tacky feel for a few minutes afterward, but that goes away, and the smell can also be described as "odd": at times, very rosy and nice, at other times sort of chemical-ly and like Froot Loops. But it wears away pretty quickly and leaves the skin feeling moisturized and taut.

There is no alcohol, so that is a plus, and while there are menthol crystals, its not very mentholated and didn't seem to cause any "red cheek flareups" that something like Proraso caused. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship!
This is good stuff and fits neither into the after shave or after shave balm category. It is a unique product and different from many out there. Trumpers seem to have created a 3rd way for post shave products. The smell, well, its rose, plain and simple and if you like roses then this is a damn fine product. There are 2 others from the trumpers stable, Lime and sandalwood but it's this one that receives the most chatter. The plus points are that you need a small amount, it soothes and kills any razor burn immediately. It is not easily absorbed and leaves a fine layer of film on the skin which serves to protect the whole day. Don't pour too much or you will have problems as your skin cannot absorb much more than a thimble full. If you are a dedicated after shave balm user then you will feel that your skin has not been moisturised, and this is probably true. There is a subtle difference between moisturising and protecting.

Summing up, this product is one of those that you either have in your collection, or you dont. I have it and use it from time to time. I actually keep it in the fridge (next to the cranberry juice!) and when applied cold, the benefits are far greater.
Based on the sampler I got from GfT (which, by the way, lasts way longer than the shaving cream sampler... I'm just sayin'), this stuff is excellent.

Price: A little goes a long, long way - so I think it's a decent value

Quality: This is a subjective opinion rating - kind of an overall rating. I just think it's very, very good - but not quite perfect, you know?

Fights Razor Burn: The testament to this was the time that I dulled the edge of my straight with poor stropping technique. I was feelin' some burn, but skin food put the brakes on that.

Cooling Sensation: A tiny bit on the light side in terms of cooling, but a very comfortable amount for daily use. I can't use Proraso every day, but this stuff, I could.

Scent: Floral/Rosey, sure. Not my typical cup of tea, but it grows on me. Purely subjective, of course. Not super strong, which is appropriate for an AS.

Efficacy: Overall, it is very effective.

Moisturizing: Alright, but not great. By no means greasy on my face - PS, if it's greasy on you, you're probably using a bit too much, IMO. I was surprised at how little I needed.

No Alcohol Burn: Next to none on my face. Of course, I hit it with a cold water rinse and an alum block first, so maybe that's why.

In general, I'm just very impressed with Skin Food (I have a sample of Limes as well). I think you have to try this at some point, but my advice would be to get the 100ml bottle. It will last longer than you think.

I'm noticing that Floral is a dominant theme in GFT stuff. I used the "GFT" scented shaving cream and cologne sampler with the Coral skin food, and I was initially self-conscious of how flowery I smelled. I got compliments, though. Maybe British dudes think it's cool to smell like flowers... :huh:
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
3.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
3.00 star(s)

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