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The Gentleman's Refinery Std Shaving Cream

Item Description

I'm going to have to go back and edit my soap/cream reviews -every time I think I've got the best a man can get (sorry), I stupidly buy something else and its even better! The AoS cream I found rich but not very effective, the 3T's' creams all look and smell wrong to me and I thought the CF was great but bought this cos I didn't like parabens. First off, this is Mother-of-Pearl white and smells edible. Nothing un-natural, no preservatives, menthol or alcohol and about half the ingredients are organic.
Price was £17/$34 per 150ml, which is v expensive so colouring the overall score, but as the CF cream lasted me 2 months I thought it might be worth it. The scent is nice but its not really a scented product, so that aspect of the review's not too relevant. Ditto the moisturising,tho it certainly doesn't dry the skin out for me. This is much easier to work with than the CF cream, about as nice as the AoS, but where as the AoS promised much but delivered v little razor-glide, this gives plenty of feedback while cushioning well. No. Evaporation. This is xly important to me as when I straight-shave I take a long time. I found with the CF cream, it tended to soil or stress my brush, but this sloughs right off with v little residue. I won't be going back to CF, (no matter where it's made) and am v happy I bought TGR. I just hope I can end it here, as everytime I think I've settled down, something else comes along! Oh...The Black Ice made me feel physically sick after just a sniff from the tester, so if you got bad results from it, it might be worth getting a sample of the Std stuff to see if that makes a difference.

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I find this cream to be fantastic, and one of the kindest to my skin that I have yet to try.

Price: It is a bit expensive, so I docked a few points for price. That being said, you get something a little different than most creams: 99% organic or all-natural ingredients, sourced from high quality suppliers. This cream doesn't "feel" or smell synthetic, and is INCREDIBLY easy on the skin.

Latherability: While it doesn't "behave" like a traditional English cream, per se, I find that when creams are too thick (such as some of the English creams), the extra volume doesn't really do that much for me, and even detracts a little from the "slickness" factor. TGR doesn't have quite the thickness of an English cream, but it still lathers very well, and I prefer its texture by a longshot. Also, it should be noted that this cream (at least in my experience) can take a good bit of water; you don't have to be shy.

I felt like addressing those two categories specifically, but I love everything about this cream. I'm seriously considering making this my go-to cream, and getting rid of several of my other English creams, ultimately holding on to only a few odd tubes (Proraso, TOM) and my AOS Lavender Soap.

The scent is natural, light, but pleasant. The moisturizing properties are great: I haven't found another cream that leaves my face feeling better......including some of the well-regarded creams (TOBS Rose, for example). Honestly, I think that TGR's Shave Cream and ASB are some of the best modern shaving products out there.
3.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

I found this product very expensive and over priced. I couldnt get a decent lather no matter how hard I tried, and ended up using far too much cream. As far as I am concerned its a waste of money. I have their other skin care products and have no complaints, but this is just not good at all.
There are far, far cheaper products out there that do the job at a tenth of the price.
Save your money guys !
One of the best lines out there. Outstanding in every respect if a bit pricey. I love the Black Ice...but I'm Greek, so love the smell of ouzo! Use the pre-shave oil as a finishing pass oil instead...terrific for getting a great "gloss cut" as the Method shavers call it.
2.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

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scottish steve
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