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Simpson's Wee Scot

Item Description

Simpson's Wee Scot is a very small brush. Pulling it out of the box will be a surprise to anyone who orders one. It has a 14mm knot, 36mm loft and overall is only 67mm tall. It is only available in Best hair...and the handle is signed by Alexander Simpson.


It is a tiny dynamo however. I consider it a near ideal tool for face lathering. In my view it has a number of things going for it:

1 Well made
2 Face lathers very well without hogging
3 Has enough backbone for soaps
4 Has soft enough tips for face comfort
5 Precisely scrubs lather where you want it
6 Very conservative of soaps and creams (a little goes a long way)
7 And the best part...it is fun to use

This brush is almost the polar opposite of every other brush to be found in the reviews. Its tiny size makes it look like a toy, but it performs like a champ.

I do not bowl lather much at all, and would likely not recommend this brush to bowl lather aficionados, but for shower shavers like me, this little Wee is a wonder of efficiency, convenience, and pleasure.

For me that "smile factor" alone makes me love this brush. Every time I pluck it out of my soak mug I smile. Then as it works up a great lather on my face with every soap or cream I have used....my smile just gets bigger.

At around $40 this is a bargain in the Simpson's line too.

It is somewhat hard to use the numerical ratings on this brush as my experiences with brushes of all sorts is not diverse, but I think just about anyone could come to love this brush...and not just for travel. I would give this brush a solid 10 for all aspects of the rating scale, but I am sure this small brush is not for everyone.

I purchased my Wee Scot from Gary at Shoebox Shave Shop. I have used it with an assortment of soaps and creams ranging from Williams and TABAC to super soft Clubman Cream. It worked with them all. I can easily get a 2-pass shave with a minimal amount of soap. I do have a near full-beard so my face surface area is much reduced, but I always lather my beard as well as the parts of my face and neck that I shave.

I have a day-by-day exploration of this Wee Scot in the main forum where specific soaps and creams etc are discussed:


About the best thing I can think to conclude with is that I bought the Wee as a travel brush...I now find it hard to imagine it tucked away for travel alone. It has taken over as my brush of choice.


Latest reviews

Pros: Really lathers well considering its size. Very precise and easy to navigate.
Cons: I think too small for daily use. The small handle gets slippery fast.
Got this as a travel brush, it’s much smaller than my previous travel brush (an Edwin Jagger), honestly crazy small but very dense and lathers exceptionally well. Also, it is the most precise brush I’ve ever experienced to steer around my face.

Only downside is that the handle is so thin that it get slippery to hold faster than a bigger brush. For everyday use I therefore prefer my wonderful Chubby 1 Best Badger.

Now I need to find a small enough travel container for it. For now I carry it around in the old travel container for my EJ travel brush but that one is way too big for the gorgeous wee Scot :001_tt1:
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Size
Efficient use of soap & cream
Cons: Not as lush as a giant brush
I can't seem to find the Nano
I wish they were $25-$30
There are so many sizes of brushes and knots that are available. Commercially, it is easy to acquire a 26mm-30mm brush, and to do so at less than a dollar/mm, yet this little brush does cost over $2/mm. It would be easy to dismiss such a brush as a "value", but that is until you actually get one in your hands.
The brush doesn't take too long to soak. It is not a water hog or lather hog, instead it keeps giving back. Scooping out an amount the size of a raisin or even less, I can get more than 3 passes with ToOBS cream. Using hard soap seems even less wasteful, yet equally indulgent.
I like it enough that I might get a second one...
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Pros: So very tiny small, but holds an amazingly huge amount of lather
Cons: So very tiny small
Two things blew my mind about this brush after getting it: (1.) It is SO VERY TINY. Less than half the size of an average brush. And then, when using it, (2.) WOW this little brush lathers hard soaps quickly, and explodes with tons of lather. I'm amazed to be getting two very thick luxurious lathers of WMS from one loading of this little brush that is smaller than my thumb.

I got it for travel, but I now use it regularly at home as well. There's something interesting about being able to fit the entire brush between my upper lip and nose when face lathering. It just works great. Because it's so short, it feels nice and stiff when you're loading up soap. It's very dense and straight. Tips seem relatively soft. Has only shed one hair that I've seen, so far. Some of the hairs around the edge have crinkled easily, not sure how common that is.

When I first saw how silly small this brush was, I was worried that it was a mistake to get it, but as soon as I used it I was more than happy with it.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)

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1.59 star(s) 17 ratings

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