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Review: St. Bernardus ABT 12, Special edition: 60th Anniersary

Item Description

Beer: St. Bernardus Abt 12: Special Edition (60th Anniversary)

Style: Quadrupel

Label Info: Quadupel Abbey Ale; Challenger and Goldling hops, black, amber, munich and pale Malts; ABV 10%

Brewery: St. Bernardus.

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Glassware: Chimay Chalice

Pour: Dark. Maybe a dark red, almost black. Nice head, barely fades at all through the entire glass.

Nose: Apple, malts. A doughy scent.Maybe some dark fruits (Raisins, plums) Glorious Belgian funk.

Taste: Malt, right up front and dominating. Dates, spice and cinnamon. The alcohol is making this stuff a little hot. Some dark bread comes through. Surprisingly some bitter hops come through. Red apple.

Finish: Bitter hops on the front, strange funkiness on the long end of the finish. Can't place what the taste is.

Overall: Damn fine brew. i wish I had some of the regular edition to compare it to. Damn easy drinking for a Quad that's 10% ABV. I am a BIG fan of the regular Abt 12 and this stuff may have topped it (It's been a while since I hd the regular so I can't be definative)

Rating: 5.75/6 Beer Mugs, one of my all-time favorites. I just couldn't give it a pefect though, that Holy Grail is still out there somewhere, waiting for me.

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I'm glad I stumbled over this review. St. Bernardus Abt. 12 is my all-time favorite bier and I've tried a lot of different brews throughout my bier drinking travels.

It's got it all...high alcohol content, rich complex flavor, beautiful color, generous sediment in the bottom of every poured bottle. I could go on and on about this one but instead I'll just urge you to try it if you haven't. Three thumbs way up :thumbup::thumbup1:
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
What a beautiful beer. Only a 5.75 out of 6 though? I know the holy grail is out there somewhere, but I can't imagine it being much better than this. 5.99/6 from me. :thumbup:
Abt 12 is my all-time favorite beer. :thumbup1:

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