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Precision Blades From Wal-mart canada

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A Friend got me these the other day.
I had not seen a review of them so posted on the forum if anyone had heard of them. A few had but only one other person had used them so I thought I would turn B&B guinea pig!

I must preface this review by saying I am a newbie and have only tried Merkurs up to this point, I am to sort that out soon by ordering a sample pack of letterk. So please be aware this review is based on a comparison of only the Merkurs!

Having said that I have shaved with these blades three times now and have found them to be remarkable. They cost CA$1.49 for 10 and for the price I think they are a bargin, heck at CA$8.00 for Merkurs they are a steal.

I did my usual shave prep, shower, proraso pre cream, lathered up and let the lather sit on the skin for a minute or so then to shave!

My usual two passes WTG and already there was a marked difference to the Merkurs, a little drag on the blade but I found they took more hair off than the Merkurs. A pass XTG and I am nearly BBS!

A final pass ATG then some touch up under the chin and a perfectly smooth shave. No razor burn, no cut's, just nice and smooth and the skin feeling healthy.

As to longevity, well I have only shaved three times but I find that the third shave with the Merkurs has just about done them in, with the Precision's it feels like I have a couple more shaves left in the blade. Also I noticed the second time I used them the drag issue had gone away!

So, as I said at the begining. I am no expert and this review is based on only trying one other type of blade but if the aim of a blade is to shave as closely as possible with no irritation or skin cuts then this blade comes up trumps!
At CA$1.49 without the hassle of ordering on line( a real pain for those of us without credit cards!) it's worth a try!

All the best.

I have now been using them for nearly a week and am astonished at the close comfortable shaves that I am getting from them.
If you have a Wal-Mart near you and they have them there I would really reccomend you try them. Another bonus over the merkurs is that I have got 5 shaves out of one blade as opposed to 3 out of the Merkurs.
I was near wal-mart today and stocked up! one more thing I got the price wrong, they are in fact $1.47 for ten!:biggrin:

Latest reviews

I really like these blades that I picked up from Honest Ed's. They were 99 cents for 10, cheaper than Wilkinson (which I also enjoy), and they have really impressed me so far. They are great quality blades, they're really great against the skin - that sound of the blades being neatly sliced off is ever so present in a shave with these. They are pretty sharp from what I have seen, as the shaves have been giving me BBS results. They also last a long time! I was able to pull off a comfortable shave even on the 7th use, so they don't end up skipping which is a great plus. The shave is very smooth. Packaging...who cares, but it's fine I suppose.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Decent, dependable blades. A slight bit duller than i would like, i can only get 3 shaves out of these involving atg passes. A little more drag than i'd like atg, but not painful. My thick beard lends better to sharper blades, but hey, to be honest, i'll keep them around in the rotation every now and then/
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
I don't think Wal-Mart carries them any longer in Canada. The only blades I have found in the five or six Walmarts I've checked in my region are the (Made in Russia) Gillettes. (A package of 10 of the Gillettes sells at Wal-mart for about $10, substantially lower than the outrageous $14.99 Shopper's Drug Mart wants for the same thing).

I checked in person this morning, and these blades are available in quantity at Honest Ed's for $1.79 per pack of 10. Wow - considering these are at least as good, if better than the Gillettes at $14.99, that is a price/performance ratio of about 5, if not 8 to 1.

Oh, and yes, I did stock up while I was there. All in all, I think I now have enough blades to last a life time and a half.

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