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Nivea Extreme Comfort Shave Gel

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I really like the Nivea gels to begin with, so I had to buy that one:

Basically, it's the Nivea Sensitive (it has chamomille), but with Glycerin (goodie !!! :biggrin:) and Licorice added; I find the Extreme Comfort gel to be even slicker than the Sensitive and the Moisturising versions :w00t:

The scent is not the best of the bunch, but it's still nice; I would describe it as natural, almost medicinal but in a goods way; maybe it comes from the natural ingredients, I don't know. It's really not bad, don't worry

" Zero irritation " : they are not kidding !!!! the slickness, beard softening properties and soothing natural ingredients make a killer combo. :w00t:

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Considering the price this stuff is surprisingly good, great performer if you want something locally available.

The price is great, I paid about 3 bucks for a can at Target. The price is even better considering that a little bit of the gel (and I mean a LITTLE) produces enough lather to cover your whole face.

This gel performs very well; it produces a thick lather (almost cream) that protect the face and lubricates very well. It did not leave my face moisturized like other creams sometimes do but it did not dry it either, it left it comfortably normal.

The scent is very neutral, there are chemical undertones to it but it isn't strong and it does not stay. I wouldn't say it's unscented but it is very close.

This cream is a great value, a bargain considering how well it performed. I don't know how it'll perform with a cartridge razor because I don't use one, but I suspect it'll do a fine job. I think one of the main issues some have with canned creams/gels/foams is not using enough water. I used it in the shower and it was very slippery and efficient. I'll definetely use it regularly, can't pass up a great bargain.
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
dries out to fast
This stuff is good for canned goo, but when you compare it to a decent soap/cream, there's no comparison.

Price - $6 - $7 at most drugstores.

Quality - definitely one of the better canned products out there. Nivea's gels are generally pretty decent.

Scent - not good, synthetic and chemical-smelling - but not overly offensive or strong. The scent does not interfere with any other scented products you may wish to use.

Laterability - definitely works better with the addition of some water and a wet face. It does take some practice to get the right consistency.

Efficacy - it works well, good lubrication/glide/cushion. However, I think it works better when you reapply it between passes, which is a pain, as you have to start from scratch (vs. having a bowl or brushful of lather on hand).

Moisturizing - slightly better than average - I used this stuff for a couple of days in a row and my skin was noticeably drier than if I had used a decent cream or soap.

Overall - one of the better canned goos out there, but not even close to the top of class overall. I have loads of products that work better than this stuff - many of which are likely cheaper per use (JM Fraser comes immediatly to mind, as does Proraso, Tabac, among others).

In short, a decent, usable canned goo for when you need to go brushless (however, I would be happier with a decent cream used brushless or my Alba shaving gel).

However, not something I would choose to use regularly or a product I would recommend to a wetshaver looking for a "good" soap or cream.

My $0.02.
2.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)

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