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Gillette Super Thin

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Hmmmm....where to start and what to say? I am back in Mexico, land of hideously expensive Gillette products and where most men seem to use disposables. After searching many farmacias, these are the only DE blades I have yet to find.

They are priced at about MX$17 - US$1.25 - for a pack of five. they are double wrapped in wax paper with the printed outer wrapper and in a small cardboard carton.

What can I say and yet still be charitable? They are serviceable. Not especially good but not too awful. They are none too sharp but seem to have an edge that bites, if one is not careful. The longevity is not good - about four shaves seems to be the limit.

They took some getting used to and I tried various razors. In my Merkur HD, this blade was a little 'draggy' and scraped uncomfortably. In my 1963 Superspeed it was a little better and less aggressive. Finally, in my 1962 Superspeed Slim Adjustable it varies from "Hmmm, is it doing anything?" to "Ouch!". The preferred razor, thus far, is a Lady Gillette - probably because the longer handle makes for better control.

All in all, not my first, second, third or even fourth choice of blade but if it wasn't for the internet (and a mailbox in Texas) I would have no choice. I daresay, if I stick around here long enough, I shall have to get used to them.

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Pros: Shave quality, longevity
Thanks to Sergio and Ironhamer for this PIF from down Mexico way.I tested all three blades that were sent to me. As I mentioned in the PIF thread for these blades, they passed the "three shave test", meaning that I got good three accepable (actually, very good!) shaves from the first blade I tested in my HD. I'm conservative with how many shaves I try to get out of a blade, but I used the first two blades for four shaves and got five very nice shaves out of the third blade. In the HD, the shaves were a bit too close for every day use. I then tried the 1904 closed comb and found that I had to do a bit too much work to acheive a good result.The best shaves for me were in the DE87, which yielded shaves almost as close as the HD, but with no irritation at all. Apparently the price is 20 pesos for a pack of five blades, which is about US$2. That puts the per blade price at 40 cents US - a bit on the expensive side for me, but if you can get four or more shaves out of these blades, it might be worth it to buy some.
3.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Pros: Sharp and Smooth
Cons: short lived
I am torn over these. I really wanted to like them, but all three of my blades had similar results. I tried them in a Milord, black handled SS and a Slim on 4, using a variety of creams: 2 kinds of Arko, some KMF cool mint, Barbasol Aloe and something else I just can't remember right now. I found with all three blades the first two shaves were awesome. Super smooth and sharp. But after two shave it dropped off. Three and four were mediocre. The second blade I palm stropped after shave two, but I didn't see any improvement. The last blade I ditched after shave three. Interestingly I have seen people say "no glue spots" about these. Mine did have the wax spots, however they were not excessive like on the Russian Gillettes If I had more to try, I would have like to try them in some other razors: Tech, New, Krona, other SS etc. If the price was right, I would buy them and toss after two shaves.
5.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Pros: Very sharp, long-lasting
Cons: little rough on the first shave
Part of the PIF campaign, I gave one of these blades a spin in my trusty DE89 that I use to evaluate all blades. First shave showed to be very sharp, if a bit rough on the neck. Second through fourth shaves went very well with just a hint of tugging showing up on the 4th. These can easily sit on the shelf next to the thai super thins and are a great blade. Now it remains to be seen what the pricing and availability in NA is going to be like. I wouldn't mind stashing a card or two.
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)

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