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Geo. F Trumper Lime Aftershave Splash

Item Description

I had been antsy to try the Trumper offering in a lime splash, but really didn't want to spend the big bucks on it. The stuff is a little pricy for a splash, and when the opportunity came along to wangle a trade I jumped on it.

First off, if you are expecting it to smell like the shaving soap or cream, forget it. It doesn't. But that's a good thing because to my nose neither of those products smell much like lime. This does. It has a nice clean lime smell that sticks around for a short while, but wakes you up.

The aftershave gives you a bit of an alcohol burn, but nothing more than you would expect. It soothes the face, cools you off, smells great then goes away.

Whether it's worth the money is up to you. I find that Boosters works as well, even though their lime doesn't smell as good. And it's a fraction of the cost. So no I won't be replacing this. However it is good stuff!

I have no idea what is in it besides alcohol, water and scent. Possibly nothing at all. It doesn't seem to moisturize, so I'm guessing at least no glycerin. A list of ingredients would be helpful, but that may be on the box which did not come along in the trade.

Latest reviews

This AS is what its name promises: Extract of Limes, pure Extract of Limes.

For me, loving agrumated scents, this is a fantastic AS, the scent is beautiful, although it doesn't last for a long period of time... :wink2:

This stuff is not cheap, being Trumper's, but of all the Trumper's scents I've smelled, this is the best, without doubt.

I always use it in combination with TOBS Lemon and Lime shaving cream. In these hot summer days, this is a great combo for my shave. :thumbup1:
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
3.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
5.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
5.00 star(s)
Despite the price, I feel this is one of the better aftershaves out there. This is a quality product and I believe it is worth the cost.

Not the best razor burn fighter, but this formulation is pretty old.

The cooling sensation is there, subtle, and not as strong as some others. However, the scent more than makes up for any other short comings that some may find with the product. The Limes Extract smells so good, you want to eat it. Really, no kidding. The scent lasts for a little while then gently retreats. It is not a cologne, so don't expect an all day scent.

Moisturizing, no, but then again, this is an alcohol based product, so don't expect that. Very little alcohol burn, very gentle, nice sensation.

This is an all around excellent product I purchased on a whim, and now it is one of my favorites.
2.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
3.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
3.00 star(s)
If the sole criterion for making a great aftershave were scent, this might be the best aftershave ever made. The Trumper West Indian Extract of Limes scent, which is the same in both the cologne and aftershave splash, is the closest thing I've found to pure sunshine in a bottle. Forget Clinique - this is the real Happy.

Unfortunately, a great scent does not necessarily a great aftershave make, and whether or not you think this splash is a great aftershave will depend largely on what you think an aftershave should be. If you think an aftershave is basically watered down cologne (which is exactly what this splash is, given that it only contains alcohol, water, scent and coloring), then this will meet your expectations. If your idea of an aftershave is something that is formulated to actually help your skin following shaving - something along the lines of Proraso, Musgo Real, or even Aqua Velva - then the Trumper might leave you wanting.

Trumper's is an über-traditional concept of aftershave, and it's a take-no-prisoners approach. When I apply the Trumper Limes splash, I get an instant and potent stinging sensation, which subsides after a few seconds and is replaced with a prolonged and potent alcohol burn that lasts the better part of ten minutes. Eventually, the burn goes away, and that's when the tightness and dryness start. Post-shave bliss this is not. Cooling sensation? Hardly. And despite the sublimity of the scent, it is incredibly shortlived, lasting only a few minutes until it's all but imperceptible, making me wonder what in the world I went through all that suffering for.

The price is spendy, especially if you go for the glass shaker bottles, although plastic bottles and economy sizes are available for a more reasonable outlay.

Despite the knocks I've given the product, its quality is tops. The smell alone will attest to that. And those frosted glass, crown-stopper shaker bottles...well, they're just classic. Really, in some ways I have to admire this product. It's an uncompromised object of purity in aftershave, designed for men who are tough enough to take it. It's a classic in its own right. I'm just sorry I can't use it.
2.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
0.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
0.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
0.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
2.00 star(s)

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