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Every Man Jack Unscented

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I just shaved with Every Man Jack Unscented Shave Cream and I don't know what the hell just happened.

I was at Target last night snooping around seeing if they had added any men's toiletries (you know how they like to sneak in new products) and I noticed this new brand I hadn't noticed before "Every Man Jack". I noticed they had a couple of shaving creams in a tube and the price was only $5 so I said "what the heck" and bought a tube of the unscented cream. Let me start out by saying that the packaging is very lovely. Nice graphic design on all the products. Very masculine and earthy.

I didn't have time to shave at home this morning, so I put the tube in my bag and went off to work. I keep a badger brush, a Super Speed and a stack of Isrealis at work so I headed to the bathroom to catch a quick shave. As I was reading the instructions I noticed that it stated that it was a low foam cream and the instructions said to put it straight on your wet face with your hands...cretin style. So for once I followed the instructions. First thing I noticed was that the stuff smells like beer! Unscented my foot! The "foam" was basically non-existent and was very greasy. It was more like a film on my face. Once I was sufficiently greased down I hesitantly raised the blade to my face and took a stroke. It glided as smooth as silk. Hmmm...What kind of black magic is this? It wasn't as smooth on my muzzle but the razor generally skated around my face. It was fast, but it was also kind of rough. After my second pass (my against the grain) I noticed 3 weepers I had opened up and I was a bit irritated at the base of my neck. Not typical for me. I also noticed that my lip felt like it was a little numb. I don't know if this stuff has some numbing agent or if maybe I'm a little allergic? Anyway...the shave was over before I knew what had happened. It was ok...not great. The razor glided well enough but the protection just wasn't there. I need a cream with some cushion for the pushin'...so to speak. This stuff had no cushion at all. It was just a thin film. Also...I'm glad I didn't try my brush on it because I have a feeling it would have just gummed it up. The residue left on my razor was like Crisco with stubble in it. I had to rinse like crazy to get it clean. It also was a pain to get the extra off my face and hands.

So...would I recommend it? I guess? It was nice and easy...my shave lasted about 8 minutes instead of the 15 it would take with a proper cream and brush. If you are in a hurry I'd say give it a shot. I'm going to keep it here at work and just use it here if I'm in a rush. The shave was completely joyless...none of that nice warm feeling you get from brushing a thick cream on. If you are just into blades and the quick shave though...this might be right up your alley. If you enjoy a classic cream then get some Kiss My Face instead. Same price point(actually I think KMF is cheaper), far superior product.

My Ratings...Explained:
I gave it an 8 for price because it's cheap, but Kiss My Face is cheaper and better in my book.

I gave it a 6 for quality because it seems to contain good stuff...no parabens...lots of natural ingredients...but it feels cheap on the face unfortunately.

I gave it a 0 for scent because it was supposed to be unscented and it smelled strongly of stale beer.

I gave it a 0 for latherability, because it's not a latherable cream.

I gave it a 5 for efficacy because it only does half the job it should do...it lubricates but it offers absolutely no protection.

I gave it a 6 for moisturizing because it is decent at moisturizing, but my face does feel a bit tight at the moment.

Packaging gets a 10 because it is very nicely designed.


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Pros: Good price, easy to get
Cons: Non lathering
I got a bottle of this, and the EMJ post shave lotion at Walmart last night. I saw it at Target one day and it looked interesting, and the price was pretty good.

I did forget that this was a non-lathering cream, which I saw on YouTube, but I still tried to lather it, so that didn't work out well lol. It was a little different not having a lather, but I've used a clear gel shaving cream in the past, so it wasn't that big a deal.

The EMJ seemed to be very slick, as most people have said. I did notice that I was rinsing out my DE razor a little more often, but again, not a big deal. The not having to build up a lather did save time, which was kind of nice. I did get one nick, but, I am also still fairly new to DE shaving and getting my technique down still.

I didn't notice the smell of stale beer that other people have reported. Maybe they have changed their formula, or I just couldn't smell it. I'll try to pay more attention when I shave with it again.

Overall, it wasn't a bad cream, but it is in no means the best cream around. I'm not sure if I will buy another tube of this once I use it all or not, probably not, but I probably would by the post shave face lotion again. It seemed to go a long way, and my face feels smoother and more moisturized after just one use.

Hopefully this helps someone.
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Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
Pros: Fast, very good moisturizing properties
Cons: doesn't work well with DE razors
I rated this product highly for its performance with a modern safety razor. If used with this equipment, it does a very good job. The product does not work well with DE razors.

If you want a fast effective and moisturizing shave while using a safety razor, this is a very good product.

If you want a luxurious warm, comforting shave experience, with brush and DE, avoid this product.

Hope this helps.
Rated low for lather as it is intended to have no lather. Rated low on scent as it is unscented.

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Moisturizing Properties
4.00 star(s)
Thanks guys I will avoid the unsecented One!

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0.64 star(s) 11 ratings

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