Items by nationalgrantham

0.64 star(s) 11 ratings
I just shaved with Every Man Jack Unscented Shave Cream and I don't know what the hell just happened. I was at Target last night snooping around seeing if they had added any men's toiletries (you know how they like to sneak in new products) and I noticed this new brand I hadn't noticed before "Every Man Jack". I noticed they had a couple of shaving creams in a tube and the price was only $5 so I said "what the heck" and bought a tube of the unscented cream. Let me start out by saying that...
0.59 star(s) 22 ratings
I have relatively sensitive skin on my face. I've come to terms with it, and it's ok. In the wintertime I get so dried out that I have to use my own concoctions to keep my face from getting all dry and peely (new word, you heard it here first) by the end of the day. I say relatively sensitive though, as I can tolerate shaving creams/soaps with only a little discomfort. Example...T&H Ultimate Comfort burns me a little bit, especially if I leave any on my lips while I'm shaving. There doesn't...
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