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Czech & Speake | Oxford & Cambridge Aftershave

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Alright. Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. Although this is technically an aftershave product (which is why it's in this category) I'm reviewing it more as a cologne. The first time I used it I made the mistake of using it as a traditional aftershave and, well ...

... just imagine using cologne as an aftershave and you'll have an idea of how my face felt. The initial Fires of Hell receded to the warm pulse of tight, stretched, dry, inflamed skin. And stayed that way. For hours. Even after applying a moisturizer. Maybe I used too much -- my bottle has an atomizer -- but I don't think so.

I called Cambridge Chemists (where I bought the stuff) to make sure that they hadn't sold me a mis-marked bottle of cologne. They assured me they hadn't.

I have several traditional alcohol-based splashes: Speick, Floid, Pitralon, Taylor, Harris. I'm used to the alcohol burn (well, at least I thought I was). Suffice it to say that this particular burn experience was in a category all its own, and not a good one. In fact, this is probably the only AS product I've used that has the singular ability to actually intensify whatever razor burn you might have. So unless you're a diehard masochist or serious Joan of Arc impersonator, forget about using this as an aftershave.

The other less than ideal thing about this product (and for that matter ALL of C&S's offerings!) is its price: $94.50 for a 100 ml bottle. The cologne is $103.50. (Prices quoted are from Cambridge Chemists and do reflect the 10% B&B-member store discount.) Yes, the bottle and packaging are absolutely flat-out gorgeous. And for that price, they better be. But oh, the scent ... that scent ...

On their website Czech & Speake describe the scent as follows:

It contains a blend of English and French lavender, topped with herbaceous peppermint and rosemary essential oils with bergamot on a base of warm oak moss.

Alas. Aside from the lavender my sniffer isn't quite discerning enough to detect all of these separate notes. Nevertheless, I can tell you that this stuff smells abso-freakin-lutely incredible. Incredible. In a rich, understated, elegant, manly, old world, polished wood, moneyed, wrapped-in-your-favorite-tweed-while-out-strolling-the-British-countryside kind of way.

The day I bought it I kept opening the bottle, sniffing, spraying ... I couldn't get enough of it! For all its richness, opulence & depth, unless you douse yourself with it this scent is blended so skillfully that it's far from being overpowering. It stays close to your skin, the way a quality fragrance should. This is why I've rated it a "10" for quality. For a cologne, it's unquestionably a well-made, top-shelf product.

Again, though I have the aftershave it can absolutely (and IMHO should ONLY:eek:) be used as a cologne. It's unquestionably strong enough. The scent lasts ALL day on me and into the evening, you don't need much, and you'll save yourself $9. If the aftershave is this strong, the cologne must be really over-the-top concentrated. No doubt the tiniest of dabs would do ya.

Aftershave? Proceed at your own risk. I recommend an asbestos mask. But cologne?? If you're a lavender fan, and you like a more traditional, masculine lavender scent, you'll be very, very pleased.

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Alright. Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. Although this is technically an aftershave product (which is why it's in this category) I'm reviewing it more as a cologne. The first time I used it I made the mistake of using it as a traditional aftershave and, well ...

... just imagine using cologne as an aftershave and you'll have an idea of how my face felt. The initial Fires of Hell receded to the warm pulse of tight, stretched, dry, inflamed skin. And stayed that way. For hours. Even after applying a moisturizer. Maybe I used too much -- my bottle has an atomizer -- but I don't think so.

I called Cambridge Chemists (where I bought the stuff) to make sure that they hadn't sold me a mis-marked bottle of cologne. They assured me they hadn't.

I have several traditional alcohol-based splashes: Speick, Floid, Pitralon, Taylor, Harris. I'm used to the alcohol burn (well, at least I thought I was). Suffice it to say that this particular burn experience was in a category all its own, and not a good one. In fact, this is probably the only AS product I've used that has the singular ability to actually intensify whatever razor burn you might have. So unless you're a diehard masochist or serious Joan of Arc impersonator, forget about using this as an aftershave.

The other less than ideal thing about this product (and for that matter ALL of C&S's offerings!) is its price: $94.50 for a 100 ml bottle. The cologne is $103.50. (Prices quoted are from Cambridge Chemists and do reflect the 10% B&B-member store discount.) Yes, the bottle and packaging are absolutely flat-out gorgeous. And for that price, they better be. But oh, the scent ... that scent ...

On their website Czech & Speake describe the scent as follows:

It contains a blend of English and French lavender, topped with herbaceous peppermint and rosemary essential oils with bergamot on a base of warm oak moss.

Alas. Aside from the lavender my sniffer isn't quite discerning enough to detect all of these separate notes. Nevertheless, I can tell you that this stuff smells abso-freakin-lutely incredible. Incredible. In a rich, understated, elegant, manly, old world, polished wood, moneyed, wrapped-in-your-favorite-tweed-while-out-strolling-the-British-countryside kind of way.

The day I bought it I kept opening the bottle, sniffing, spraying ... I couldn't get enough of it! For all its richness, opulence & depth, unless you douse yourself with it this scent is blended so skillfully that it's far from being overpowering. It stays close to your skin, the way a quality fragrance should. This is why I've rated it a "10" for quality. For a cologne, it's unquestionably a well-made, top-shelf product.

Again, though I have the aftershave it can absolutely (and IMHO should ONLY:eek:) be used as a cologne. It's unquestionably strong enough. The scent lasts ALL day on me and into the evening, you don't need much, and you'll save yourself $9. If the aftershave is this strong, the cologne must be really over-the-top concentrated. No doubt the tiniest of dabs would do ya.

Aftershave? Proceed at your own risk. I recommend an asbestos mask. But cologne?? If you're a lavender fan, and you like a more traditional, masculine lavender scent, you'll be very, very pleased.
1.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
0.00 star(s)
0.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
0.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
0.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
0.00 star(s)

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