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C.O. Bigelow Barber Elixir Black

Item Description

Excellent product containing witch hazel, shea butter, glycerine, aloe, ect. Elixir black has a scent of agar wood, tonka bean, amber, musk, and vanilla. It is a lighter scent than Elixir Red but more earthy than Elixir Blue(water scent) or Elixir Green(woodsie/leafy) It has a small amount of alcohol and other astringents as well as fragrance oil so not great for super super sensitive skinned people.

Price: $10 for 3.4 oz so slightly more than some of the drug store balms but definitely worth the extra I think. A little goes a long ways.

Quality: It contains quality ingredients and the brand is known for good quality. It definitely doesn't seem like they skimped on anything.

Fights Razor Burn: Heck ya!

Cooling Sensation: Not in the menthol/peppermint way but even with the alcohol is doesn't feel hot like a splash with a very slight cooling.

Scent: Good earthy scent without using patchouli. I'm generally a fan of anything containing patchouli in this type of scent but they really pulled it off without using it. It is a nice medium scent that will work in anything from casual settings up through white tie formal.

Efficacy: Noticeable reduction on areas that are irritated and makes the skin feel like silk.

Moisturizing: Very though not heavy or greasy perfectly acceptable for summer wear and definitely a good fall/winter scent.

No Alcohol Burn: It contains some astringents so it has a slight tingle/burn to it but should be tolerated by even the biggest whimps.


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I had been using Proraso liquid cream for a while and although it worked wonderfully, this stuff is even better, 6 dollars cheaper and locally available.

Price: 10 dollars at Bath and Body Works, that's 6 dollars cheaper than Proraso and I don't have to pay for shipping.

Quality: An excellent after shave with quality ingredients that does what it needs to do, and then some more. I like the fact that it has witch hazel which helps a lot with razor bumps.

Fights razor burn: Yes, what else can I say.

Cooling sensation: I don't think that applies here since it isn't a splash. Although there are few exceptions here and there, this isn't one of them.

Scent: A solid 10. I normally look for unscented aftershaves because most of them have a "cheap macho" scent. ths stuff, however, doesn't smell cheap and the smell is VERY discrete, it's not like you are going to walk into a room and everyone will know you just shaved. The scent doesn't overstay its welcome either so if you want to smell like like a cheap macho man all day long then this isn't for you.

Efficacy: 10/10, works good and works fast.

Moisturizing: Another solid 10. Great aftershave for winter time. Summer use isn't an issue either since it's not extra thick and it absorbs quick. However, I would prefer an alcohol based splash during the hot and humid months.

No alcohol burn: I'd give it a 9/10. It has some alcohol but it doesn't normally burn unless I nick myself or have some irritation. When it does burn it's much, MUCH milder than an alcohol based aftershave. I think those with sensitive skin can still enjoy this aftershave.

Bottomline: fairly priced, available locally, quality ingredients, nice discrete scent and extremely effective. A winner for me.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
5.00 star(s)
I love this stuff! It smells wonderful and really soothes your face after a bad shave. Its got some nice skincare ingredients including aloe, witch hazel, allantoin and vitamin E. It goes on with no burn and absorbs very well leaving no tackiness at all just moisturized and soothed skin. Another plus is that they make a matching bodywash and cologne and they are all pretty reasonably priced just slightly above the cheap drugstore brands like Nivea or Nuetrogena! :thumbup:
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
5.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)
I got this as a gift a while back and it's been a mainstay in my ASB rotation. I would recommend smelling it first before buying, to see if you like the scent, but overall, this is a really great ASB that holds its scent over the day and really moisturizes.

Price: A pretty good deal, given that you don't need to apply a whole lot and it'll last quite a while.

Quality: Fantastic. Included in the ingredients is Witch Hazel, Vitamin E, and Aloe Vera.

Fights razor burn: Never had a problem with razor burn when using it.

Cooling sensation: None really, but not a problem.

Scent: It has a deep, woody type scent, "exotic agar wood," as the packaging claims, with musk and vanilla. Personally, it took me a little while to get used to and enjoy the scent, but now I really like it. When you put it on initially, the scent will be pretty strong, but will die down over the day, and still lingers nicely without being overpowering.

Efficacy: It gets the job done, smells nice, and leaves me gliding my fingers over my face to feel my skin.

Moisturizing: As a previous reviewer noted, it won't leave you greasy at all, while still being a great moisturizer. It soaks in pretty quickly, and leaves the skin soft to the touch.

No Alcohol Burn: Very minimal.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
1.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)

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