so i'll start off by saying i have no idea how to describe the scent of crabtree and evelyn's uncharted colonge. some pics below.
according to the site uncharted has "Crisp notes of ozone and juniper with citrus, pale woods and fresh green mosses". ok i buy that. though i don't know what ozone smells like. the scent is very hard to put my finger on. its sort of like what a pine forset would smell like. its definately got a hint of lime in there as well. i dunno how to best describe...
my brother gave me this polo explorer because he didn't really enjoy the scent. some quick pictures.
first i'm a little bit biased here since i got it for free. so the price can't be beat. i think the package (the bottle itself) is a neat idea. it looks like a canteen. simple nothing fancy. neat rubber cap. i liked it. but not a classic like the other ralph lauren bottles.
the scent is very nice. it starts off kind of crisp and woodys. it is a bit harsh at first so when you first...
The Parker 71R is a fairly basic 3 piece razor. You can get it either from (where I got mine) or from (they call it a Vintage Style Black Safety Razor). It is made in the far off land of India.
I think the price for this razor is great. Less then $25 for a brand new one. I think its a good deal for 2 reasons. One, for someone who was just starting out a few months ago in the world of double-edge razors the price was right. I didn't really...