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A Year of PIFs….. March Edition

Hello B&B!

One of my resolutions this year was to host one PIF per month for the entire year! And I actually decided to up my game and do 2 PIFs each month. One will be a formal PIF, like this one, and the second will be a drive-by PIF (i.e. something I give out on a whim based on reading someone’s post). So, 2018 is the year I give back.


I’ve been a member of this great forum for almost 8 years (Joined May 2010). In that time, I’ve been on the receiving end of many great PIFs. I’m doing this, in part, to ensure I make good on ‘Paying It Forward’ from all I have received in the past; balancing any PIF debt, I may have accumulated. Also in those 8 years, I have bought a lot of stuff, and at times, multiples of items bought on clearance, or in an effort to get free shipping. As such, my storage area is starting to look like a store front, and it’s time to do a little de-cluttering purge, A.K.A. spring cleaning.

I will try to spread my PIFs around the forum in as many different sub-forums as I can, so be on the lookout for future installments. Some will be big, some will be small, and I will try to throw in a bonus item with every PIF.

My PIFs will run for around two weeks, and hopefully the winner receives their PIF before I start the next one. Please make sure you read and follow ALL rules. This is very important!


PIFs completed so far:

A Year of PIFs - January Edition - General Forum - Winner: Heckle

A Year of PIFs - February Edition – Soap Forum – Winner: azwetshaver

So what is up for grabs this month?

One of my favorite things that I use in the bathroom, outside of shaving items, is vintage bar soap. It really has a different feel. The lather is much softer, and the bars are denser and typically last a lot longer than modern soaps. So I will be PIFing 2 bars of vintage Avon bar soap (Spicy & Sports Rally, no guarantees on remaining scent though). The winner will also receive a bottle of Wild Country hair and body wash. I’m not a fan of body washes, but I use this all the time just as shampoo.


How do you qualify to win this PIF?

*Indicate that you want to be included in this PIF, but do not say “I’m In”…. Be creative.
*Make me laugh! Tell me a joke or post a funny comic. This may or may not help determine the winner.
*This soap PIF is open to anyone, worldwide. But I will not be able to include the shampoo to overseas winners due to shipping restrictions.
*If you are Active Duty Military or a Military Veteran you get a bonus entry, just indicate such in your post.

The last day to enter this PIF is 16 Mar 2018.
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I admire your creativity and thorough documentation. The whole year of PIF's is very generous of you.
I'm not in on this one, but kudos and good luck to the entrants.
Yeeeeehaw, Wild Country Soap? I'm in pardner! True story of my youngest daughter first learning knock-knock jokes. She knew they were supposed to be funny, but didn't get the "pun" part of it. It was still hilarious because this tiny little human was telling the joke and they just have to say a word and it's funny. One example of her telling a classic knock knock joke:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Gorilla who?
Gorilla, fix me a hamburger, I'm hungry.
The joke, of course is "gorilla" me a hamburger, I'm hungry. But her belief in the joke sold it, and it was funny every time for me.
But her belief in the joke sold it, and it was funny every time for me.
That's great. My kids came up with this one when they were smaller. A spin on the classic "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

Knock knock
Who's there?
Peanut Butter.
Peanut Butter who?
Peanut Buttare you glad I didn't say banana?
That's great. My kids came up with this one when they were smaller. A spin on the classic "Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

Knock knock
Who's there?
Peanut Butter.
Peanut Butter who?
Peanut Buttare you glad I didn't say banana?
it must be a normal development stage: the inability to comprehend knock-knock jokes
Great PIF. Not in but I got hit by your drive by PIF last month...thanks.

Yeeeeehaw, Wild Country Soap? I'm in pardner! True story of my youngest daughter first learning knock-knock jokes. She knew they were supposed to be funny, but didn't get the "pun" part of it. It was still hilarious because this tiny little human was telling the joke and they just have to say a word and it's funny. One example of her telling a classic knock knock joke:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Gorilla who?
Gorilla, fix me a hamburger, I'm hungry.
The joke, of course is "gorilla" me a hamburger, I'm hungry. But her belief in the joke sold it, and it was funny every time for me.

My youngest just went through the whole learning jokes phase. She came up to me one day and said,
"Hey Dad, knock knock"
"Whose there?" I reply
"UNDERWEAR! " and she runs off laughing.
Great PIF. Not in but I got hit by your drive by PIF last month...thanks.

My youngest just went through the whole learning jokes phase. She came up to me one day and said,
"Hey Dad, knock knock"
"Whose there?" I reply
"UNDERWEAR! " and she runs off laughing.
it's a great age.
This is great! I love the stipulations on submitting your entries haha.

Good luck to the participants!

Not in.

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