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Viva la France!

All I can say is wow. These two cover off the mild/smooth to aggressive spectrum perfectly!


I've got a Bohin on route which should complete the experience. I should have never underestimated the French connection :)
When it comes to shaving I'm a bit different than most around here that I usually only shave every second day, and my shaves are a single pass. This means I need my razors to be efficient enough to give me a DFS with minimal touch ups.


The Bohin almost feels like something ATT would have made if they were around back then. Incredibly solid razor with top shelf build quality. The shave (on the aggressive side of the baseplate) was excellent. If anything, with the P74 I almost wish there was a bit more blade feel. My only beef is that it's a bit fiddly trying to load the blade evenly as there is a lot of gap between the blade and the posts.


So I guess the €200 question is, is the juice worth the squeeze. There are plenty of less expensive razors in my rotation that give the same shave, but none exudes the same feeling of quality like this one.
There was another one out there in the brown circular case, a BIN I believe, although I can't find it now. Very pricey. 750? Couldn't justify that much though so went for the other cased one.

Whoever I outbid so sorry, been waiting for one to pop up in a case.

btw notched posts up for mild right?
One side says De Pres Cote Lame (notched posts) the other side says De Tres Pres Cote Lame (no notches in the posts).
Bing translate didn't solve it for me. What does the text mean and which side is the milder when facing up?

Nevermind, managed to translate it. DE TRES PRES means very close and DE PRES means close. COTE means side and LAME means blade. The notched side is the milder side if I have my translation correct. I suppose logically that side goes up for the milder shave. I'll know for sure in the morning.
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