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Battle of the Precision Milds


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RazoRock Mamba for me. I bought it in 2018 and it's been my go-to, most used razor since. Now it's known as the Mamba 53 I guess. It probably sees 98% of my shaves. Any time I swap something out, I usually go back immediately. I'm not one for variety, I'd rather have a consistently good shave and this is my perfect razor.

I shave every other night, 2 pass. Mine is paired with an Astra Superior Platinum, GSB or Gillette 7 o'clock Yellows. They all work the same for me. It also worked well when I was a 1 pass night shaver.

Add a couple extra $10 RR handles for variety if you want, I did. It's inexpensive compared to other SS razors, tight tolerances, will last for years and delivers awesome shaves.
I prefer milder razors, and based on the razors which I have owned and used:

The fat handle, pre-war Tech is a favorite. In my experience it is a bit more efficient than the post-war version and the ASD2, which I sold.

My stainless steel Timeless 68SCL (scalloped safety bar) with neutral blade exposure is also very mild, comparable to the ASD2 and post-war Tech. I've never used a Kai blade, but with a standard DE blade it is my smoothest shaver. I would expect that the Kai would improve efficiency (and i need to try that combination 🙂).

Next, I find the Razorock Game Changer 68P to be a bit more efficient than my Techs and the Timeless, as it has a bit of positive blade exposure, but still mild and forgiving.

The nice part of owning a Razorock GC, besides the terrific value, is the ability to purchase (and easily sell) additional base plates. I also own a .76P which ups the efficiency another step, and of course there are also the .84 and 1.05 plates, and open combs, if you "outgrow" the milder versions.
Nothing regarding the Hone, huh? Was very curious to hear how it performs.

I have some experience with Hone razors -- they are mild but efficient. Large gap but neutral exposure. Very different approach to Tatara. The 15s and brass are very heavy. I didn't care for the feel of the alu version but it is tons lighter.

My brass razor is a limited edition that is polished/brushed.

Brushed brass.jpg

Stock razors are lightly textured and the grip on the handle is superb. I've used the steel in a pass around but it was virtually the same weight as the brass.

By the way, when I said KAI and Tatara were incompatible, I meant that I read they didn't actually fit together physically.

It's down to the tolerances of the Kai blades. They will may require persuasion to fit the Tatara. The Masamune is built for Feathers anyway.
I have owned and tried the aforementioned Henson mild, Tech and Game Changer 0.68. I gave the Henson away, only use the Tech on rare occasion and use the GC 50% of the time. Simply have easier and better shaves on my face with the GC.
I have some experience with Hone razors --
Thank you for adding this. Very helpful.

The 15s and brass are very heavy. I didn't care for the feel of the alu version but it is tons lighter.
This might be the deal breaker for me. I don't like heavy, and don't like too light. Something like a 23C is good (around 50-60 grams).

Upon looking into it, Henson is 37 grams, AS-D2 is 90 grams, 15a 52 grams, 15s 160 grams, 15 185 grams. The Henson is way too light. My Merkur 34C is 78 grams, which I find too heavy (I have to consciously lift to reduce pressure, which is added effort and a distraction). The Tech is 58 grams putting it and the Hone 15a in my range.

Am currently on the hunt for a Tech to better guide my decision. I figure it wont be the last razor, but it will be the cheapest way to find out which direction to go. If I like it, I stick with it or try out the AS-D2 (maybe the weight distribution makes up for the weight). If I don't, then Karve, Hone, etc. are back on the table. Might just be easier to buy them all and find out first hand.
There was a titanium version but the price was outrageous -- only 22 sets were sold however. Oddly, I don't have a problem with the weight but it is heavy for sure. Vintage razors will certainly help keep the weight down -- I use a variety of light vintage GEM razors like Featherweights, ERs and Micromatics.
My perception of weight could just be skewed by bad design. Good center of gravity and better distribution could be the difference.

Took a look at the price of the titanium. Wow!
Thank you for adding this. Very helpful.

This might be the deal breaker for me. I don't like heavy, and don't like too light. Something like a 23C is good (around 50-60 grams).

Upon looking into it, Henson is 37 grams, AS-D2 is 90 grams, 15a 52 grams, 15s 160 grams, 15 185 grams. The Henson is way too light. My Merkur 34C is 78 grams, which I find too heavy (I have to consciously lift to reduce pressure, which is added effort and a distraction). The Tech is 58 grams putting it and the Hone 15a in my range.

Am currently on the hunt for a Tech to better guide my decision. I figure it wont be the last razor, but it will be the cheapest way to find out which direction to go. If I like it, I stick with it or try out the AS-D2 (maybe the weight distribution makes up for the weight). If I don't, then Karve, Hone, etc. are back on the table. Might just be easier to buy them all and find out first hand.
You could also just stick a heavier handle on the Henson.
If you'd want to shift the balance, you could then adjust your grip.

Which Henson variant do you actually have? If you have the mild one, you could just go for medium or aggressive.
I'm not sure what you meant about having to hold the head steeper than flush - I have all three variants of v2 and the ++ and +++ variants of v1, and they're all the put flat to face and slide around sorts.
Perhaps it's mileage varied, but it almost seems like you want to use some pressure, but I'd suggest getting outside of your comfort zone there a little and pre-stretching the skin a bit and just laying the Henson head on flat to follow the built-in guide.

If you're considering a Tech, the Yaqi Ghost is essentially a Tech with a top cap with a built-in angle guide.
You could always buy a Game Changer .68 head (or any head for that matter) and throw on a light handle. Something aluminum, titanium or even plastic or bakelite.

I plan on doing this myself. I love my Game changer .68 but I’m realizing I don’t like a heavy razor, nor a thick handle.
Like a fine Italian shotgun, I like light, thin & ergonomic.
Currently looking for a handle that’s lighter, longer and thinner.
After reading your post I thought instantly of my new Chiseled Face Legacy razor. I believe it fits what you want. HERE's my post from when I'd just received it (plenty of photos for you to inspect). I got the aluminum version because I like LIGHT (and that's the cheapest too), but it's available in plenty of different alloys.

I hope that's of some help.

View attachment 1801942
Second the Chisled Face Legacy, only I vote titanium.
If you're considering a Tech, the Yaqi Ghost is essentially a Tech with a top cap with a built-in angle guide.
For me the Ghost doesn't really have angle guide, but it is something I would recommend. Almost no blade feel on the .70 and barely any with the .90 but really efficient for me.

Also would recommend the Lupo .58. feels like a mild tech but shaves slightly better and closer for me.

I just went through all of my techs last month and the only one I wouldn't recommend is the aluminum spiral handle with the embossed zamak cap made in England. That one for me was rough and unpleasant, very un-tech feeling.
The razors on my radar are the Hone Type 15, Feather AS-D2, and Henson AL13. There is also Tatara, but I use KAI blades and read here that the two are incompatible.

I bought a Henson already and it gets a lot of things right, but is not the razor for me.

I don't know much about the AS-D2 except that many people like it, it has those horizontal blade holders instead of posts (like the Henson), and has an obnoxious logo on the head (like the Hone but more so) unfitting for its price point.

What precision milds do you recommend for a great shave and why? Both on and off my radar.
I have the mild Henson and the ASD2, as well as a Tech. I was seriously considering the Masamune until I read about some QC and CS issues that turned me off.

What you don't like about the Henson (light weight and handle design) are factors that initially kept me from buying one, but now that I have shaved with it the weight and handle are two of my favorite features. Go figure. While some say that the AL13 is an "autopilot" razor, in my hands there has been a learning curve and now with experience I really like it more than when I first tried it.

The ASD2 is one that I bought a while back, tried, didn't like as much as some others (notably the Merkur 34 and Progress), and so it got banished to the closet. A few years later I read something here about technique with the ASD2, pulled it out, tried the tips and boom ...... the clouds parted and the sun shone. There is something about getting the angle just right that makes the ASD2 shave like no other. As far as handling, it definitely feels heavier than the Henson and the thinner, smoother handle definitely feels different as well.

The ASD2 head design looks very similar to the Tech and the Tech is a great razor, and big bang for the buck, but to me the ASD2 shave experience is different from the Tech and worth the difference in price.

So I would say that the ASD2 and AL13 are both great razors, and that they have very different feel in the hand. As far as the feel on the face, the ASD2 lack of sensation (smoothness? blade feel?) when gliding along can't be matched by the Henson, but that is countered by the Henson being a little less prone to bite and leave a weeper and also being easier to maintain the correct angle.

They are both great razors. And the Merkurs are in the closet.
I shave daily with as-d2 and this razor is superior to all others rasors i tried.

I compare it with tech ball-end, rockwell 6C, progress, 38C and weishi.

I shave daily and the AS-D2 is the only razor with which I never have any blood spots or irritation for an incomparable result.

I use Dovo blades (old Merkur still made in Germany)

For my part, the Tech is a good razor similar to the Feather but the AS-D2 is superior.

The Rockwell is as huge as a tank with the blade tips showing at the ends and I have never been able to appreciate the shave it gives me.

The progress gives very good results but with a lot of blade feeling with redness even at the finest settings

I have been using the AS-D2 for 3 years without ever regretting my purchase and I recommend it to everyone but always keep in mind that it takes a while to master it. Often those who denigrate the Feather have never persevered in their learning.
A few years later I read something here about technique with the ASD2, pulled it out, tried the tips and boom ...... the clouds parted and the sun shone. There is something about getting the angle just right that makes the ASD2 shave like no other.
Would you mind sharing some insights?
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