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How many shaves. Gold Dollar version.

Dangit, i was about to go shave then my sister showed up.
So i'm a bit late.

Buncho strops on Latigo, bunch on Bridle.
Hot wash cloth.
AOS Sandlewood Pre-shave.
ASO cream.
Lather, lather, lather...
Shave, shave, shave...
This monster is sharp, couple of small weepers on my lower lip.
All in all, a very close shave. Faceturbating time.
AOS Sandlewood balm.
Tonight I thought to use my Blue Beard's Revenge stuff.
Hadn't been there in a while...
Bunch o' strops on bridle.
Hot wash cloth.
BBR pre-shave earl, while whipping up shave cream. Shave cream from BBR is pretty nice. Need to order more.
Shave, shave, shave... Nice smooth shave. Did I say I relly like their shave cream?
Cold water rinse, and Blue Beard balm. I wish they had an AS.
The scent is pretty nice.
Got the razor back from BIll.

Here's the edge. Looks a bit rounded off and a little rough.


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I shaved the hell out of it. Probably could have done a couple more, but it was becoming very difficult to shave my lower lip.

used the linen for about 30swipes.... then kanayama....

Pinaud clubman...

hot shower then 2passes with a touchup...... DFS... BBS cheeks...

the linen seems to have brought the edge up a few notchs.... seemed much much sharper last night.. interesting... i don't remember *(and i'm much too lazy to go back and count) how many shaves i did without the linen... but now i will do it every 5 shaves or so.... *(the linen is NOT pasted so i ain't cheating..)
Is the magnification and focus so great that scratches within the full mm of the bevel are out of focus?


I followed Tim Zowada's lead, and chose to angle my razors under the scope to get better resolution of the cutting edge itself, and not simply look at how shiny I can get a bevel


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Is the magnification and focus so great that scratches within the full mm of the bevel are out of focus?

On occasion I would look at the bevel with my 10x loupe, and I could start to see striations (sp?) in the bevel that were going sideways to the way I strop. I assume this was from actual shaving, and nothing to do with stropping. Don't know if this has any bearing...
Didn't shave last night, but buncho stropping.
Hot towel
Pre-shave earl
Whipped up my Kroger puck.
Shave, shave, shave...
Not bad at all. Small weeper from a previous scar, but nothing to comment on. Except wifey doesn't like it when I cut myself. Good thing she's in Alabama this weekend. I can cut myself all I like...
Floid AS. Floid rocks! 30 minutes since I shaved, and I can still feel the menthol!

Life is good on a Friday night.
Cigar, anyone?

Got my new gold dollar in the mail. somehow, i managed to get it honed and got a DFS, and it was actually comfortable with no cuts. getting it honed was rough though. The edge was slightly smiling, and had a slight warp in it. I ended up completely rebeveling it on my DMT. The thing is a LOT heavier and less balanced than my Dovo, but I can get used to it I suppose.
44 and 45..


2 passes each with a touchup... DFS... nothing to report really.... it still HHT's at a solid 4...

been crazy stupid busy.... i am hoping things settle down in the next week... otherwise i am running away to brazil to live in the rain forest...

*(just have to trade spanish for portuguese...)
Estou dos estados unidos, mas passei algum tempo varias vezes em São Paulo e gosto muito de seu pais lindo. Minha ultima visita foi em 2008. Tenho que voltar!
2014 é uma ótima data para voltar, venha à copa do mundo. Quando vier novamente, venha a BH e faça uma visita.

Y'all speak Engrish, you know I had no edumication...
You thought I wimped out, didn't you?
Well, I had a bunch of other razors that were getting mighty unhappy at being neglected, so to prevent an uprising, I had to mollify some of them.
So, #7
Bunch of strops,
Pre-shave earl,
Whip up the generic puck,
Lather, lather, lather,
Shave, shave, shave.
Not bad at all, still faceturbating several hours after…
Finish off with Master Well Comb Bay Rum, in the new Easy Splash bottle…

Really ? Where to ? Seja bem vindo.
no se... pero voy a aprender d hablar portuguese y voy a visitar tu pais linda
Tem brasileiros aqui? Que coisa boa!

Ha! Eu ia te perguntar de onde você era, visto que sua assinatura é em português...

Translation: Ha! I was going to ask where you were from, given that your signature is in portuguese...

Estou dos estados unidos, mas passei algum tempo varias vezes em São Paulo e gosto muito de seu pais lindo. Minha ultima visita foi em 2008. Tenho que voltar!

i'll tell ya'll a secret....

soy norte americano pero hablo espanol fluido *(mas o menos).. mi novia es una cubana y soy cubano honarario... lol...
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