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How many shaves. Gold Dollar version.

I have been considering doing this for a while.... Since Al has hit the 100 mark and there was a recent thread about the much loved and hated Gold Dollar I will now start it.... The rules the exact same as doc used... No pastes or touch ups...

This afternoon I will hone the #208 on the jnat... It will be done it my normal method then stropped....

I will shave with it and report back...

I will be honest... I won't fudge....

*(dons flame proof suit and cracks knuckles)

Lets get it on....

By right, this should be honed on a coticule with oil if you really want to be defiant.

Kidding aside, good luck. I will gladly follow this thread with interest.
By right, this should be honed on a coticule with oil if you really want to be defiant.

Kidding aside, good luck. I will gladly follow this thread with interest.

Al just texted me the same thing....

I'll do coti with oil.....


I’m stumped
Not sure why but I thought you would have honed this up for the record attempt on a coti finished with oil:lol:
edit: I see you have fixed that already.
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Where will this madness end???

"How many shaves, the Mach 3 version"....

Oh, the humanity!

'Bout 7 is my max... headshaves.

Face only? I think I used to go a month shaving every other day.
Single pass ATG only. No aftershave, used bath soap. I changed the blade when I got a nick.
shave 01....

soap.. TOBS

nice and smooth... it was a solid 4+ HHT.... nothing strange to report....

used musgo real after shave balsam....

2 passes and a touchup..... DFS...
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