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What is The Most Female-Attracting Cologne You've Ever Worn?

a true story involving tuscany by aramis. crowded elevator, hyatt regency waikiki. friend and i returning from business dinner. two attractive but definitely younger blondes behind us are giggling continually. people gradually leaving the elevator. door opens two pretty blondes move to leave...as door closes , one blonde turns and says (pretty close, anyway):" your after shave drove us crazy. you were lucky there were so many people...we both wanted to attack you!"
door closes...they're gone.
it wasn't me..the tuscany did it. other women, less passionately, have favorably remarked on that excellent scent.
p.s. incident almost cost me my job: i had just left the company that markets aramis to join a competitor. when my colleague recounted the story the next day, took all kinds of cr--for "disloyalty." survived a while then was axed..but tuscany still a standby choice!
I have to admit that I have not tried as many different scents as most here. My best results was with Photo by Lagerfeld.
My wife has a sensitve nose and now I do not wear any cologne and rarely an aftershave.
It depends on the female(s) you intend to attract. A certain female I aim to attract really loves Quorum on me, so that is what I wear the most. It is also my personal favorite. But aside from the above, Quorum is the only scent that has garnered favorable comments from a few women - probably because I wear it most often.
There are several that I have that my lady friends have liked. My ex-wife actually liked the way a smelled without a cologne. She said I had a nice natural smell. :blink:
the smell of $100 bills, an American Express platinum card, and a fat portfolio. Those scents are very attractive to women. :lol:

Also the fragrance of a winning Powerball ticket. :lol:
you'll lough guys but it was route 66 on me xD
had also some good feedback with some others but didnt remember the name because they were mostly from my friends
I think my fantastic good looks intimidate most women from telling me how good I smell. Come to think of it, I don't think any woman has ever commented on any cologne I have ever worn (except for my wife), and I am 47-years-old! Sad really, especially when you consider how much I have spent over the years. Oh well, I wear them mostly because I like them anyway.
As much as I hate to admit it it was JP Gaultier pour hommes (the first from late 90´s). Too sweet, too strong but at that time i could not afford to throw it away and get a new one just like that so I kept it. The fact that I got more compliments form the girls than even before might also have helped me endure the smell ;)

Now I only have the wifes opinion to care about and she is good witn most anything I wear - she very very seldom wear any herself.
I think that wearing a cologne is something like walking a cute dog on a leash.
Women may not be overwhelmed by your cute dog, but it is a great rationale for starting a conversation.
wow long running thread! i was searching for opinions on Aramis since my wife wants me to get that one... for me the cologne I got the most comments on was kind of embarrassing to admit. One time I was picking up a prescription from a drugstore and the girls behind the counter wanted to know what I was wearing. Very Sexy by Victoria's Secret of course!
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