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What are the worst DE razor(s) you've ever tried and why?

Haward razor from AliExpress. Somebody here in the forum said it was only ten bucks and shaved great, so of course I had to buy it and find out for myself. Well, it shaved dangerously close. I kept it around and used it every once in a while when I felt like living dangerously. It finally caught up with me. No user error. Just a simple second pass and the razor gouged into my chin. The only time I've ever had to use a styptic pencil. I still have the scar. I keep the razor around, prominently displayed, to remind me of what close-shaving razors can do.

The head looks a lot like Yaqi's R89 copy. They're scary. Chattery. Angry. Glad you're still here.
Gillette Slim (I believe 1964). The razor seemed to be in proper working order, but I just could not get a decent shave with it, even turned all the way up to 9. It left patches of stubble and I had irritation. Very underwhelmed by the quality of shaves I got from it. I was surprised because of all the love lavished on this razor. Not for me, I guess.
Send it to me and I'll make sure it is in good nick and send it back. I love these razors; they're like an adjustable Super Speed.
Vikings Blade, The Godfather has been the worst I've ever used but it was early in my wet shaving journey. It was supposed to be mild and it shredded me. I've never used it a second time.

I also have both razors that the Dollar Tree sells. One is a three piece Tech clone and the other is a TTO. Both cost $1.25 each and came with five blades. I haven't tried the blades yet either because I've got so many better options available.

I don't know if the DT razors and blades belong on this list, but how good could they be?
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In the past I would've said the Ikon Shavecraft Tech but I think I'm gonna give it to the Razorine Flatboy I just got done shaving with.

Right out of the box it was a disappointment; the threading was not the standard used by a lot of other razor makers (probably in line with Fatip, also Italian made) so I couldn't try a different handle with it and as for the shave itself, it was on the noisey side and felt like I simply taped a DE blade to a stick, not very comfortable at all and didn't shave me as well as any other razor I have, notably the Winning Razor I got in shortly before it.
In the past I would've said the Ikon Shavecraft Tech but I think I'm gonna give it to the Razorine Flatboy I just got done shaving with.

Right out of the box it was a disappointment; the threading was not the standard used by a lot of other razor makers (probably in line with Fatip, also Italian made) so I couldn't try a different handle with it and as for the shave itself, it was on the noisey side and felt like I simply taped a DE blade to a stick, not very comfortable at all and didn't shave me as well as any other razor I have, notably the Winning Razor I got in shortly before it.
I took a look at the Flatboy. The Italian build piqued my interest (I like Fatip a lot!). Seemed interesting but a bit weird. After watching many demo's, I lost interest. It seemed to be a 50/50 when people would review them. That was enough for me to pass on it.

Note: I had the Ikon Tek and quickly sold it. The reason I didn't list it on the worst list, is because it actually gave a really good shave result. The problem was the safety bar which is there for show. It never makes contact with your skin!
So it was 100% blade feel and zero smoothness!
I love blade feel and aggressiveness but the Tek took it to a level that was uncomfortable.
And way too much concentration required for a shave!
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I took a look at the Flatboy. The Italian build piqued my interest (I like Fatip a lot!). Seemed interesting but a bit weird. After watching many demo's, I lost interest. It seemed to be a 50/50 when people would review them. That was enough for me to pass on it.

Note: I had the Ikon Tek and quickly sold it. The reason I didn't list it on the worst list, is because it actually gave a really good shave result. The problem was the safety bar which is there for show. It never makes contact with your skin!
So it was 100% blade feel and zero smoothness!
I love blade feel and aggressiveness but the Tek took it to a level that was uncomfortable.
And way too much concentration required for a shave!
Good on you, smart for passing the thing up. I thought it seemed unique and the price was hard to beat so I took the gamble and lost, them's the brakes I guess. 100% on your take on the Ikon too.
In the past I would've said the Ikon Shavecraft Tech but I think I'm gonna give it to the Razorine Flatboy I just got done shaving with.

Right out of the box it was a disappointment; the threading was not the standard used by a lot of other razor makers (probably in line with Fatip, also Italian made) so I couldn't try a different handle with it and as for the shave itself, it was on the noisey side and felt like I simply taped a DE blade to a stick, not very comfortable at all and didn't shave me as well as any other razor I have, notably the Winning Razor I got in shortly before it.

I've had the same feeling when I first saw the head design of the Flatboy. Somehow I've had a hunch, that I won't get along with the razor, so I've decided not to buy it. With your information, it's seems that I was right.
Wasn't it @Possum092 who said he could shave with the lid of a "tin" can if need be? I don't remember but I'll bet he could.
Haven’t tried a tin can…yet but I was trying to give a flint edge a go. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to nap or source a suitable piece of flint. SR shaving for years is an advantage, because it gives you instant feedback on your technique and shaving practices. Happy shaves!
The Merkur Vision 2000.

It's way too heavy, cumbersome, and unwieldly, especially if one has arthritic hands. If stored with the doors firmly closed it may freeze up and be impossible to open. It's a high maintenance adjustable razor that doesn't get along well with hard water and mineral deposits. There are legitimate reasons why Merkur discontinued it.

But on the other side of the coin, it's unique in design and appearance. And it's also a very good shaver! I dearly love the razor and would never sell it.
PAA DOC. I think the “C” stands for crap. If I extrapolate the rest of the PAA model it might be, “Don’t Own Crap”. To go a bit further, as I’ve been known to be both vociferous and garrulous, as well as opinionated, “Phoenix Assumes Americans Don’t Own Crap”, but made this razor anyway and sold some of them. I can’t even PIF it without feeling guilty and my frugal nature prevents me from tossing it into a landfill. I’d rather take a beating than shave with it again. Hate to waste the soap and the time. If I could find better words to explain how much I hate it, I’d have to learn a new language. Maybe it would sound better in Italian or French. But my uneducated redneck English descriptions I’ve tried to use here keep getting redacted with ********

Curly Out
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