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A rant about Youtubers . . . .


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Other than some really great B&B people and better milk chocolate, why?
I can get on B&B from over there! That would probably work better with my sleep cycle!

Why? Seriously? I'd be the next Winston Churchill! We actually have some of the same blood running around in our veins! Of course, the blood ain't runnin' in his veins...

'Murica is done with "Statesmen"..... We have 24 hour news cycles: everyone is a statesman nowadays, at least for "15 minutes"....
I like the way you think. At least the way you talk. Are you in Australia? If so, sneak across our southern (no, it'd be easier to get across our northern one for you) and I will have you serving in DC before you know it.

Especially if you have straight white teeth and nice hair. We in America DO have pretty strict policies in place....
Mum always did say I have great hair…
Bad reviews are not only on YouTube. They are everywhere, even here on B&B, I know it's crazy to think right. I've learnt not to trust anyone when regarding to soaps, razors, brushes, or anything shaving really. I would personally steer clear of wetshaving Youtubers that got a ton of affiliate links on their descriptions and keep raving about a certain company. I've had a lot of "top performing" soaps be mediocre at best. We've all got different preferences, coarseness of stubble, skin "toughness" and expectations. If you are hyping a soap that much it better be the best goddamn soap on the market. Having said that I am very surprised that you would buy a soap for its scent based on someone else's review. I mean I like the smell of burnt ****(feces to be politically correct), you probably won't. I suggest not taking my soap scent reviews into consideration on your next purchase.
Bad reviews are not only on YouTube. They are everywhere, even here on B&B, I know it's crazy to think right. I've learnt not to trust anyone when regarding to soaps, razors, brushes, or anything shaving really. I would personally steer clear of wetshaving Youtubers that got a ton of affiliate links on their descriptions and keep raving about a certain company. I've had a lot of "top performing" soaps be mediocre at best. We've all got different preferences, coarseness of stubble, skin "toughness" and expectations. If you are hyping a soap that much it better be the best goddamn soap on the market. Having said that I am very surprised that you would buy a soap for its scent based on someone else's review. I mean I like the smell of burnt ****(feces to be politically correct), you probably won't. I suggest not taking my soap scent reviews into consideration on your next purchase.
Burning cow manure smells better than burning a steak.
PooTube: My take on it

A platform owned and run by data harvesters, who run creepy digital stalker algorithms on every scrap of data they can extract from you, so as to develop more efficient ways of manipulating us.

The content itself comes from a wide range of needy people. Whether they crave free stuff, ad revenue, fame, influence, or just a little bit of attention and affirmation, you can be pretty sure each video posted is primarily for them, not their audience.

So we have needy people, being corralled and incentivised by mass manipulators, to try and manipulate the rest of us. They want my time, my attention, my data, my praise and loyalty, and the ability to manipulate my life choices and shopping habits ... and in return I get to watch some bloke have a shave...

Err... no thanks.

Most of my browsers and devices have been configured (so far as my limited tech knowledge allows) to block everything owned by Gargoyle and the other stalker media entities. If I ever do have cause to look for one of the rare informative videos like how to access and replace my laptop network card, I will use a separate browser, via a VPN... and on principle, if they ask me to like, subscribe, and join their pester list, I end the video immediately, whether they've gotten to the actual content or not.

While I am in rant mode... reaction videos seem to be a craze too... watching someone else watch a video. Just how empty does your life have to be, for that to be in any way fulfilling or entertaining?

I don't know if this has spread to the shaving realm yet, and people are choosing to watch someone, who is watching someone else have a shave, but if they are, the person who is filming themself watching a shave video, is probably even more needy than the person who is filming himself shaving...
This. So much this.
I think there are some genuine guys on you tube but probably not very many. There are quite a few trying to influence others to buy their "friends" soaps ie, the ones they get for free. And you won't hear them utter a word about the artisans that don't send them free stuff to try. Either way- you don't want to listen to what people say about soaps simply because they have different tastes. There are a few gentlemen on B&B you may want to heed their advice on soap scents after you become familiar with them. It can help a lot in narrowing your choices.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I believe they are officially called "influencers". ;)
I'm gonna be an influencer when I grow up. Seriously. I could grow up.

Not sure how much influence I gots, but I gots LOTS of potential growin' up to do.
I don't think people making shaving videos is a bad thing, far from it. If that is something they, and others, enjoy then more power to them.

That's fair. I was just pointing out the hilarity of so many people in here who commented how they think it's absurd that people watch videos of someone else shaving but I see them every single day posting their meticulously taken daily shave picture.

The same kind of absurdity where people will see say 'Welcome to B&B the most helpful Shaving board on the Internet' yet watch how the senior members on this board will treat you if

*checks notes*

1) you like PAA products
2) you like iKon products
3) you like products made from CHINA!!!
4) you use a pre-shave product

The same place where people keep claiming YouTubers are just shills yet browsing this forum without being a contributor you are force fed ads from approved(they pay money) vendors.

Make it make sense 😂

I know the moderators don't like videos because according to the terms and agreements any pictures you upload to B&B become their property and they can't own your videos 🤷‍♂️

Disclaimer: I have a Shaving channel myself which I started a few months ago when I was trying to find information/reviews on some products that I found zero information on so decided to make a video in case anyone else was in the same position as me and wanted some info. I then just started making videos every few days cause it was fun.
That's fair. I was just pointing out the hilarity of so many people in here who commented how they think it's absurd that people watch videos of someone else shaving but I see them every single day posting their meticulously taken daily shave picture.

If those pictures started to include grinning mugs and hairy chests, I'd quickly revert to gopherspace! :)


Needs milk and a bidet!
I know the moderators don't like videos because according to the terms and agreements any pictures you upload to B&B become their property and they can't own your videos 🤷‍♂️

If you are going to speak on behalf of the Moderators we ask that you kindly have your facts straight. We don’t allow self promotion (probably why you feel the way you do). Secondly, we don’t allow commercial activity outside of the Vendor Forums. Many YouTubers have monetized YouTube Channels, which we consider commercial and thus don’t allow their videos here. It has nothing to do with owning videos. We are actually trying to create our own video hosting capabilities. And also actively discussing our YouTube policy.

Hope this clarifies things.
If you are going to speak on behalf of the Moderators we ask that you kindly have your facts straight. We don’t allow self promotion (probably why you feel the way you do). Secondly, we don’t allow commercial activity outside of the Vendor Forums. Many YouTubers have monetized YouTube Channels, which we consider commercial and thus don’t allow their videos here. It has nothing to do with owning videos. We are actually trying to create our own video hosting capabilities. And also actively discussing our YouTube policy.

Hope this clarifies things.
Thanks for clarifying, looking forward to the new policies and video hosting.
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