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A rant about Youtubers . . . .

We all have so many cognitive blind spots, that it can be difficult to know when we’re thinking critically or taking someone else’s word on something. Sure, if it’s wrapped up in a sound byte or cliché, it’s easy to spot, but unintentional intellectual laziness or even fatigue happens.
You’re not wrong. I’m merely pointing out how particularly on b&b, ymmv only counts if it doesn’t vary. Coming on here and ranting about it is dumb. I don’t need to use the Marco method, I find for me it basically loads like 5 shaves worth of soap. Does this mean that everyone who has advised using it or even Marco himself is a shill for soft Italian soaps by subconsciously getting everyone to burn through them? No. Because that would be ridiculous. I’m not denying that many YouTubers are sent products, it’s very clear and typically they all say that they’ve been sent it and acknowledge that. How bad are these products though? He probably bought from one of the few American/UK artisans or the big soaps and cream brands we’ve all come to love. Disagreeing with someone else’s opinion and then blaming them for it is bizarre. Unless he truly bought something that no one on here likes or has heard of (which he probably didn’t, that’s why he didn’t name the soaps) this is just a part of the process. Don’t buy soaps which have scent profiles you know you won’t like and guess what…you won’t hate your soaps lol.

Mike M

...but this one IS cracked.
I have found that moving from a buy everything approach to a more considered buy stuff I'll use and enjoy approach. I use this forum, vendors sites and YouTube which seems to be serving me well, but I don't hold too much store in whatever is said on YouTube and would trust the gentlemanly opinions of this forum
Honestly, I don't mind youtube shavers even if they are shills. Youtube actually brought me to this hobby and to B&B. I'm pretty sure there are lots of people who had the same experience so if it helps to grow the popularity of classic wetshaving I'm all for it. Initially the videos helped me to learn the ropes but eventually I grew tired of them because they become pretty repetitive at some point so I unsubbed to most of the channels. Occasionally I watch some reviews but mostly about new hardware, specifically becasue I just want to have a look at it in details.
It's a shame that you had negative experience with your soaps but I agree with the guys here, it's too subjective. Although I've had soaps that I didn't particularly like scentwise (namely Arko, TOBS Shaving Shop, Razorock 'Zi Peppino), it never stopped me from using them because luckily most soap scents don't linger.
I've always followed the "one soap at a time" rule. Buy 1, use it up and then buy another of something else. Yes, boring, but I also know the scents I like. Citrus, menthol and sandalwood. When I get the urge to purchase something, I wait 24 hours.

That being said. I can't watch Youtube videos of guys shaving. A chick shaving her legs, sure. I use youtube for yoga workouts. I don't have the patience to sit through more than 2 minutes of BS


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Welcome to B&B!

I look up a few products here and there mainly to see what the person has to say. If I'm really interested in the product, I will try to get multiple opinions from someone/anywhere who isn't connected with the product or paid by a company to do a review (i.e. I check B&B). At one stage, many will say: "This smells like ... OR This lathers like ...". That's when I know that I get something on track about the product.


There are variables in all of this. Experience, water, what you used, how you prep, etc. I know that I have moderate-hard water so my results might differ from someone who has soft water. (side parenthesis, they are upgrading the water plant this spring in my area, so I might get softer water, yay).

Alternatively, it does happen that I get a product that I don't pay for that I will review (free sample, last order was a mistake in my order and I got something that I did not order). When that happens, I try to be very clear about it. However, I try to compare it as much as possible with other products that I use. Anyways, that's my method. I'm not paid to do those, I'm happy if it can help someone.
Welcome to B&B! I've only watched a few of the YouTube videos and have never been swayed by their endorsements. I play it real safe and buy only know quantities.

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
Word of mouth use to mean something or a hand shake, but that has changed some what and describing soap scents is not the most easiest task for most folks. I do not like loud scented aftershaves to much because it seems to disturb some folks in enclosed rooms or offices and there is not need for that anyways. I like a scent that is meant for the person who shaved and not every one else IMO.
When buying scented soap or aftershaves it is amazing how different folks will react to fragrances, so what I do is usually do a little research on the forums and go from there. Some folks have a diminished sense of smell and others have a keen sense of smell is what I have found working in industry over the years.
With Covid 19 a lot of folks have lost their keen sense of smell from my understanding!


I shaved the pig
I don’t mind the YT shavers for pure entertainment value. I’ve seen them, not really my thing. I’ve relied more on this forum for insight on products but in the end its all on me.
Folks, this is my first post to Badger and Blade and it will be a rant. So like a lot of you, I watch youtube videos of "Westshavers" a lot. Recently, I took the dive and bought several shaving soaps based on reviews I saw on youtube. You know how it is: "OH the smell, it's so lovely" "Oh the notes, I cant get enough of the smell" "This shaving cream is the greatest" and on and on and on. So based on these reviews, I bought several shave soaps. Upon receiving them this week, I can say that they are nowhere near what these "Wetshaving" Youtubers described. The smell on most of them are so god awful, I can't believe I spent my hard earned money on them. My wife is my ultimate scent approver, and she made it clear that if I use any of these she would make me sleep in the garage. I will not name the companies or the names of the soaps I purchased because I don't want to trash any small company. However, I feel so gullible. Of course these guys swoon over every new soap they get. They are getting them for free!!!! I hate to use the word shill, but that is my opinion. I will never buy anything without getting a sample from this point going forward. I have come to the conclusion that these Youtubers are never going to give you an honest opinion because they don't want to stop the flow of free stuff for their channels. Am I the only one who feels like this? Anybody else get burned by a soap or aftershave that was heaped praise on, only to find out that it was trash? I know I will get death threats for posting this, but I had to get this off my chest. I am so upset I dropped all this money. The smells were so bad, I never used them! Still in the original packaging. Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
Just stick with Arko. Your wife will love you for it.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
We all have so many cognitive blind spots, that it can be difficult to know when we’re thinking critically or taking someone else’s word on something. Sure, if it’s wrapped up in a sound byte or cliché, it’s easy to spot, but unintentional intellectual laziness or even fatigue happens.
Now YOU are gettin' deep, man. Like "heavy, man" deep. My wife and I discuss this all the time.

Old people talk, young people kiss more, lol.

I have the lungs of a fairly healthy 100 year old person, so I don't get as loud as I used to when we discuss things. We are both so loud you'd NEVER know that we are in agreement 99.9 percent of the time! I'm thinking we should both move to Great Britain and run for office. Those folks are SO MUCH BETTER at yelling at each other than our representatives. Ours go on TV to tell people that already agree with them why the other side is stupid. Brits are cool. They tell it straight up to their face and the rest of the folks all laugh and yell and point fingers!

Yep, I'm packing my bags. The War Department can come is she likes.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Frankly, being gullible is your fault. What is amazing for one, can be awful for another. Cases in point being Arko and Tabac. I suppose they could be shills for relatively small companies on their videos that rarely get more than 1K views. I mean how much money are they earning (saving) really? These people are invested hobbiests who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on their equipment a year. I mean how is taking the advice of people on here any different? At least in the video you can see them lather and shave with it. There is 0 proof on here that anything I have ever reviewed or provided advice or my perspective on has even entered my home. Who's to say I'm not receiving kickbacks from big soap for my input? One of my first ever posts on here was a review and breakdown of the major TOBS offerings. Like half the comments on that post are people disagreeing with my tastes. Blaming others for buying something that isn't to your taste is foolish. Unless they straight up lied about what it smells like (Which is still subjective, many people smell the same scent accords differently), the only thing you have to go off is that they liked it. Which isn't untrue just because you and your wife dislike it.
I like the way you think. At least the way you talk. Are you in Australia? If so, sneak across our southern (no, it'd be easier to get across our northern one for you) and I will have you serving in DC before you know it.

Especially if you have straight white teeth and nice hair. We in America DO have pretty strict policies in place....
...1. They are mostly all shills
2. They are mostly all looking for some sort of fame
3. They are mostly all full of hot air that they must expel before they get to the actual shave part or review...

...a sea of rhinestones consisting largely of shills, attention hounds and money grubbing n'er-do-wells.

I believe they are officially called "influencers". ;)
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"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Did anyone else notice @Benoni reacted to some drivel that I posted upstream on this here thread?!? I thought he was in witness protection or something!

Welcome friend!
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