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Your take on Voskhod Russian Blades???

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Becuase of the recent quaility control issues of Shark SC blades;

Read More: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/303141-Shark-Super-Chrome-blades-have-changed?highlight=

and the good things discussed here about Russian blades, I've decided to purchase a Sampler of various Russian blades from an Ebay seller from Moscow (thanx Tony for the link), as displayed below and log my results in my Razor Blade Spread Sheet. :thumbsup:
I hope I don't have to pay for customs on these blades when they arrive.

“A razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown



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I have learn to play with customs during these years and always trying to keep the costs around $100 when ordering something from outside EU. I want to help customs :001_cool:
Be happy for that. Here we have lower limits (think it's about $70). Then we have to pay 25% VAT on both the product and shipping. And the customs here are getting really neurotic.
Voshkods are GREAT! A little better than Astra SP's, even though Astras are top shelf. A tie for 2nd with the Astras are Rapira Platinum Lux. Russia makes really good blades!
The Rapiras are NICE!!! I really love the Platinum Lux blades, they are top quality blades that compete with the tops out there... and LADAS is very nice as well.. I have 150 Voskhods and they are smooth, but aren't the quality of the other rapiras IMO. I would put most effort into getting the platinum lux or ladas blade. As previously mentioned, the Voskhod blade is a 3 and out for me and the 3rd shave isn't so awesome, and that's with me using 1 edge for the first shave, the 2nd edge for the 2nd shave, and both edges for the 3rd shave.
You EU guys are lucky! In Norway the limit is 30$! Thankfully a lot of vendors ship items as gift or put down the value on the package if you ask.
For me the Voskhod are a great blade. They work great in a slant I found.

Pros: Sharp and smooth
Cons: Hard to find, because of that - expensive.
Quality: 8
Sharpness: 8.5
Smoothness of Shaves: 8.5
Voskhods are my favorite blade. Better even than the Iridium Super (though I get more shaves from the IS). Better than the Rapiras or the Ladas too. I can easily get 5 shaves out of a blade. I can barely feel the blade when I shave, there is no burn or weepers afterwards, and I get the closest of shaves from them. This is why I have 545 of them.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
How you are doing with the testing? Did you already pick up your favorites from the sample?
Yep...I received my Sampler and am starting with the Sputniks. So far, I find them moderately sharp with no tugging and pulling...but the jury is still out.

“A razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Au contraire... This page is a must-see. GD Carrington's review of MANY current and vintage blades, including Voshkod. The testing is very recent (last couple of years...) https://sites.google.com/site/gdcarrington1/home/de-blade-challenge-ii

Voshkod scores just below cutoff separating top tier from the rest.
Sweeeeeeeeet...thanx for the review and for sharing! :thumbsup:

“A razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown
I rated Sputnik teflon above the Voskhod as well. This guy tested a lot of blades, and while it appears he only tested a total of 1 blades per brand, I agree with a lot of his statements. His conclusion concerning the Rapira sweedish supersteel are not entirely surprising as rapiras rock, but putting Treet classics above Lord Platinums was where I had a few questions hahaha
At $12/100, plus shipping, I think they're pretty cheap. Perhaps shipping to Canada makes them a lot more expensive?


I was wondering why those blades went out of stock. I've been close to pulling the trigger on all 500 for about 6 months and that whole time none have been purchased from TSD. Glad I got 300 before you posted the link...

The Voshkods work great for me. They are very forgiving blades. The closest blade I can find to it is the vaunted Iridium Super, but the Voshkod beats them out.
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Rapiras are my "go to" blade. Like them better than most everything else out there. I give them "10's" across the board.

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