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Your help please Butterscotch/Ivory or White/Ivory

Should I make this Mammoth Ivory Brush

  • Old World Butterscotchy

  • Original Ivory White

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It's Friday night here in Oz, I've had a couple of ports :blushing: and I'm staring at this new brush handle I got today which I believe is Mammoth Ivory ! :w00t:

Now looking at it, it's currently a nice butterscotchy colour and those of you who know me know I loves me butterscotch but I'm thinking.......

Should I restore this back to it's original ivory white colour ????

I know the pantina gives it an "old world" feel to it and if I cut it back, it's not gonna be butterscotchy again until way after I can't use it again, but then again it'll look more ivory if it's......umm ivory in colour ( color for you US citizens :tongue_sm )

It's got a TGN UK Super 20mm knot on it's way and if I'm gonna cut it back it's gonna be heaps easier before the knot is in place ( which probably gives me 2 week allowing for shipping to Tassie :tongue_sm )

Your thoughts greatly appreciated. :001_smile

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It would be a crime to remove that patina, old elephant ivory can get very orange-y.


Thank you Gentlemen !

How do I remove this poll ?? I think even from the first few answers I know how this poll is going to go :001_smile

Before I joined B&B I knew nothing about bakelite, catalin, rhodium, ivory........ In the last year ( woohoo 1 year anniversary coming up in 3 days ), I've stuffed my head with so much use(less)ful information about these and so many other things shaving ( and in fact non-shaving) related :001_rolle

Now bed or another port....bed or another port....ahh, just one more.... :laugh:

( I think I've had just enough port to know NOT to go anywhere near Ebay and put in any search for "razor" or "shaving brush" :001_rolle )
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As with many other vintage items such as horological pieces, maintaining the wabi or indications of use and passage of time enhances the appearance and reflects the history of the item. If you want new, get new. If you want vintage, preserve it as much as possible while doing any restoration.

Obviously my vote here is to retain the lush patina or butterscotch color which reminds me of the golden beauty of well used meerschaum smoking pipe.
I couldn't vote.:confused1

Normally would have gone Butterscotch but then I came accross these Plisson lovelies.:001_tt1:

At least the wee ones only 855 Euros.:w00t:

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I couldn't vote.:confused1

Normally would have gone Butterscotch but then I came accross these Plisson lovelies.:001_tt1:

At least the wee ones only 855 Euros.:w00t:

Yeah, I always refer to them - cost wise - when I get requests for an Ivory brush, so people have an idea what a real ivory brush can cost. The two little ones are something like $1100 to 1200 and the large one is almost 2 grand!!
I voted before I saw you had already made up your mind.
Great decision! It looks great as it is.

Could you imagine if something where to happen while you tried to remove the patina?

A question/sugestion I have is if you need to wipe it with anything as one would horn to keep it from drying up or cracking?


Thank you Gentlemen !

How do I remove this poll ?? I think even from the first few answers I know how this poll is going to go :001_smile

Before I joined B&B I knew nothing about bakelite, catalin, rhodium, ivory........ In the last year ( woohoo 1 year anniversary coming up in 3 days ), I've stuffed my head with so much use(less)ful information about these and so many other things shaving ( and in fact non-shaving) related :001_rolle

Now bed or another port....bed or another port....ahh, just one more.... :laugh:

( I think I've had just enough port to know NOT to go anywhere near Ebay and put in any search for "razor" or "shaving brush" :001_rolle )
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