Not enough info to be of much use. Mossbergs have a reputation of extreme reliability, but anything can happen to any firearm. My bet is on user error, but who knows? Not likely to be a defect in the shot gun since it had been fired several times before. Federal makes quality ammo and a defect of that magnitude isn't likely to be a QC issue. Since it hadn't been shot in over a year, I also suspect a bore obstruction, possibly an errant 20 ga. shell got into the mix during a previous use?
X2 on barrel obstruction
Hey! Get to the back of the line! I was #3 (at least implied).#3 on this.
Guesstimating, but the "blossoming" of the barrel looks to be ~14" down the bore, which is classic for a squib load. Youch!Hypothetically, if a mouse climbed into the barrel, got stuck and died; could that cause a catastrophic bore obstruction? Just to reiterate,
If you managed to get it to fire you’d have an out of battery explosion which usually blows pieces of the shell into the shooters face and trigger hand, but not a split barrel.What happens if you try to fire a 3.5" shell??? won't feed in the 3" chamber......
Daaaaang. That makes my skin crawl!I’ve been reading the comments on the video. Something I NEVER thought I’d was mud/dirt daubers building nests in barrels causing obstructions. Granted, I don’t store my firearms where a dirt daubers can get to them. From the comments it sounds like a fairly common occurrence, at least in Florida. One comment said he found a 4 inch long dauber nest in a .22.