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Xmas resent razor – Weber or Super Adjustable birth-year?

I have been acquiring some vintage razors of late, so I have my original EJ89l, and have recently acquired a 1939 New/Tech Hybrid, a 1952 Rocket LD and 1912 patent Gem (but don’t have blades for it yet). I love the Ej89 but I find quite mild, perhaps too mild and have been running it with 2 shims which I find gives a great shave. The 1930 New/Tech hybrid is in rough condition and needs replating, but I also find it gives a great shave, a lot more aggressive than the Ej89, with much more blade exposure but much smaller gap between blade and base plate (ie the blade sticks out the edge a lot more). The rocket I find a bit too light but also gives a great shave, but very mild also.

While travelling around on the weekend looking for new razors my SWMBO asked whether they make new razors and I explained about how my EJ89 was a new one, but that there is also a new one called a Weber that is made from all stainless steel which is also supposed to be pretty good and that if I was to buy a new one now then that is what I would likely get. So she asked me if I want one for Xmas.

I had been thinking of getting a 1975 Black Beauty (Super Adjustable) birth year razor one day, but I am also pretty chuffed that she has thought of gifting me a new razor for Xmas.

So my quandary is, do I go for the new Weber, or vintage adjustable? From what I hear the Weber head is the same as the EJ89, is that true or is it a little more aggressive? The idea of an adjustable sounds good, but then I guess I have a few different razors now ranging from very mild to more aggressive and could always shim the 1930 new/tech hybrid for more aggression if needed. Maybe I have enough options already. I’m also not sure about the bulbous head of the adjustable some have mentioned they don’t like.

Decisions decisions . . . . what to do. As it will be a gift, I want something that I will definitely like (and I’m thinking the Weber might be that) rather than trying the adjustable and finding I don’t like it. At this stage I am leaning towards the Weber but my feeling might change tomorrow (yesterday I was leaning towards the adjustable).

The only thing that is holding me back from the Weber is the non-polished underside. I really wish it was fully polished. Do they plan on releasing a fully polished version at all? I would hate to buy it now and find they release a polished version and I am stuck with the unpolished one.
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Well, I bit the bullet and ordered the Weber. I think I would be hard pressed to get a good quality 1975 adjustable in time for Xmas at a good price. Probably something I should take my time with and grab the right one at the right price rather than rushing in to get the first one.

I love the EJ89 and by all accounts even that is improved with the Weber bulldog handle so I don't feel I can go wrong. Hopefully the head will be a little more aggressive than the EJ89 also but will see.

Something shiny and new and so solid feels like the right choice, especially after she first suggested a new one. I would hate to end up buying a broken adjustable for example for my wife to gift me. After shipping to Australia the prices are about similar.
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