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xbox one or ps4?

Any gamers here? As this is a gentlemanly place it might be nice to discuss the pros and cons of these two next-gen consoles without all of the immature, fanboy nonsense.

That being said I am leaning towards the X1 despite the negative press but I am considering the PS4. I'm always online so that is not an issue and although I don't like the new policy on game sharing it's not something i do often. Plus EA looks like they are going to charge everyone including Ps4 users a fee when buying used games. Other developers may follow suit.
The x1 exclusive titles look better than ps4 but the ps4 is more powerful. Ultimately I think the new kinect, smartglass and cloud processing are going to appeal to developers to come up with some amazing games in the future. Yes the Ps4 can use cloud as well but it wont be available to offline customers so developers will probably avoid using it as much. Ive always liked xbox live and microsoft has treated me better than sony has treated some of my playstation friends.
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I haven't really been following this like i should.

what are both systems pros and cons? as other people chime in, maybe you can update your OP with the list.
I don't get to game anymore outside of iOS devices but I was always an Xbox guy. If everything plays out the way it looks I would never touch the new Xbox. Too many "stick it to the consumer" points for me to ignore.

As far as EA charging fees on both systems it wouldn't cause me concern. Madden has gotten worse each year for nearly a decade. EA can't even launch a basketball game and the rest of the titles are crap or play better on mobile platforms.
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I'm a bit of an online gamer. So for me it's going to come down to what friends are going to be using: PS4. I don't personally care for all the other things. I just want it to play games well and play dvd's and blu-ray.
I've preordered the PS4, which I thought in the past I would never do. I've always been an xbox guy even though I also own a PS3. I've chose the PS4 due to the policies that MS has chosen for used games. I just don't agree with it. A lot of times I don't want to shell out 60 bucks for a game, and I'll wait till it drops in price new or used. I might get an Xbox one down the line because Halo is still my favorite game series though.
I'm going for the PS4 as well. I buy most of my games used, so that's a big sticking point for me. I don't mind buying some of the download only games, but I'm not a big gamer most of the year so I don't get excited for games to come out.
I also don't always have an internet connection. I travel for work a LOT, so I'm following Microsoft's advice and sticking with the 360 as the top system I buy from them.
One thing that I enjoy with Playstation is the Playstation Plus. At first I was skeptical, but I love that there are new games to download free every month or so.
I'm going for the PS4 as well. I buy most of my games used, so that's a big sticking point for me. I don't mind buying some of the download only games, but I'm not a big gamer most of the year so I don't get excited for games to come out.
I also don't always have an internet connection. I travel for work a LOT, so I'm following Microsoft's advice and sticking with the 360 as the top system I buy from them.
The Xbox 360 will probably be around for several more years. There is such a large library of games to choose from
That was essentially what they said. For those without connections, don't buy our new toy, we will continue to support our old toy.
What scares me is that I'm on my third Xbox 360 (each suffered red ring of death), and over the last year my xbox has been acting up. Acting up as in having to turn it on then off a few times to get to run. Then it kept overheating. I'm still tempted to get another for when this one dies.
I'm a bit of an online gamer. So for me it's going to come down to what friends are going to be using: PS4. I don't personally care for all the other things. I just want it to play games well and play dvd's and blu-ray.
+1 that will be a big issue as they get closer to release.
I haven't really been following this like i should.

what are both systems pros and cons? as other people chime in, maybe you can update your OP with the list.
X1 pros (for me):
Xbox live
Kinect is in the box
Titanfall (x1 exclusive)
Better controller
Cloud processing if developers utilize it.
Smartglass works with devices I have already.
Past experience with customer service.

X1 cons:
Must be connected to online or games wont work.
Their policy for sharing games is pretty sucky.
Costs $100 more (but comes with kinect)
Current attitude with customer concerns.

Ps4 pros:
More powerful system.
No game sharing restrictions (may have developer enforced fees for used games).
Cost $100 less.
No need for internet connection.

Ps4 cons:
The peripherals like the Eye for Move dont come with it.
Past experience with customer service.
Not a fan of the controller.
Playstation Vita will be used like smartglass but is a seperate purchase.
Less games I'm excited about.

Which system my friends go with will also factor in for me.

Feel free to add to these lists.
What scares me is that I'm on my third Xbox 360 (each suffered red ring of death), and over the last year my xbox has been acting up. Acting up as in having to turn it on then off a few times to get to run. Then it kept overheating. I'm still tempted to get another for when this one dies.
That will hopefully not be an issue. I did have the red ring of death as well but I called Microsoft and got a PERSON and they fixed the machine at no cost right away. My friend had a PS3 issue and it took a week to get an answer from them and they wanted him to pay $100 or so for repair and pay for shipping.
I remember having to pay for repairs, which is they just give you a refurbished one. For me an unanswered question, which doesn't really matter in the present, is how will the xbox one function later down the road after it is put out to pasture. Meaning if it requires check ins online how will it work in the future if it cant hook to xbox live. Occasionally, like once in a couple of years, I'll bust out the old Snes for nostalgia. It probably wont matter and MS said they were planning things for the next decade. Just curious
I'm sure I'll cave and get a new xbox when halo comes out. It seems I always have two systems of the newest generation.
Never have I been a fan of Microsoft. This doesn't change with this console. I personally don't see how anyone wants this system. What happens if your Internet goes down for a(n) day(s) and to pass your time you want to play your Xbox one? Well it doesn't happen due to the Internet policy. Then on top of that I can't have a buddy bring over a game to play without paying a fee. Defiantly Ps3 for me and 12 out of 13 friends I have talked to. I have a launch day console preordered on Amazon.
Ps4 without question. Already preordered. I don't care for the need to be online 24/7 or the licensing garbage with MS.
I've always been an Xbox guy. I am definitely getting the new one. I am on the fence about the PS4. The used game thing or persistent connection doesn't bother me. I don't take my console to a cabin in the woods without internet. You will be able to share your games with up to 10 friends. The major decision maker for me was the online service. XBL>PSN.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I really want one or the other. But I am just not a big gamer. I'll play a game for a month then it will sit forever untouched. I sold my 360 last year with about 4 games that I never finished: Oblivion & LA Noire specifically. At one time I had a PS3, xbox 360 and Wii. each one got use for a few months then just sat untouched, i sold the ps3 and wii and only kept the xbox because I liked the modern warfare series, eventually grew out of that too. I think I'd rather spend the money on a nice laptop or ipad.

I just want something to play HBO GO.
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