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The New Xbox (One)


IGN have a few articles on the main page but I'll just put this one here. See what I did there!?:w00t:

But, seriously. I used to be an avid gamer always wanting the new releases on day one, but in recent times I've been slowly giving up. The PS4 announcement didn't do anything for me and I've taken to playing most games on my PC. My 360 is now a Netflix box with the displeasure of Xbox Live. The PS3 collects dust and hasn't been used except for the occasional Blu Ray.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I want it. I will get use out of all the available apps for sure. But what have we heard of price? $399 if i had to guess.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Im pretty sure it will be a little more than 399 since it's coming with the kinect.

that's what i thought. the price is a little high, but considering what you are getting.....I think it will be worth it. and it should last you years and years like the last xbox did

I finally looked at the specs and it's time to start saving!! I really want one now. Plus COD:Ghosts will launch with it. I bet they will launch a bundle. $500 at least. plus an extra controller and xbox live for a year. $700 now. yikes!!
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I just hope it has good exclusives. That could be what tempts me to buy it. Especially if someone mentioned Alan Wake 2. Remedy already have a game lined up for now, but rumours say it's in the works.
Im not jumping the gun just yet. Today was just a small peak into where Microsoft is heading. We still have E3 to have more revealed. And I agree with you Omen, hopefully there will be good exclusive dlc. We'll see. I got some info from Kotaku.com. They have the run down on most of this stuff.
As a casual gamer I think they've finally pushed me away with all of this DRM garbage. $80 for a game that you can't trade in if you don't like it? No thanks.

It also seems like Microsoft is more intent on building an all-in-one entertainment system rather than a video game console. In other words, the Xbox's focus in no longer video games.
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As a casual gamer I think they've finally pushed me away with all of this DRM garbage. $80 for a game that you can't trade in if you don't like it? No thanks.

It also seems like Microsoft is more intent on building an all-in-one entertainment system rather than a video game console. In other words, the Xbox's focus in no longer video games.

I haven't owned a gaming console for at least 2 years, but I think I'd agree with this. I didn't really expect to be wow'd by the new Xbox announcement enough to make me go out and buy one, but the announcement and the surrounding hooplah have turned me off of it even more. I think your last couple sentences are quite true. I understand why they'd think to go that route: lowest common denominator. A vast majority of people need entertainment, not all of them want video games. However, there are quite a few stakeholders in the Xbox ecosystem [such as Game Developers] who will be quite unhappy with the shift away from a gaming focus.
My concern is the price. UK sites are listing pre-orders but no price in sight. Sony made a big mistake with the PS3 charging over £400 on launch, turning people like me away and going with the £200 Xbox 360 which became my primary entertainment source before saving for a PC. If the prices are ok I may bite, but the launch games will have to be good. Call of Duty Ghosts will tempt most people but I want some original material not a plethora of sequels.
Ha. If this is where the console makers are headed, everyone might as well buy a computer. I never purchased a 360 because of Live. My PS3 gets use, but less and less since I piped in audio and video from my PC. Steam is not much better for needing to be online, but my computers have been online since sometime in 1994; for the sole reason of having access to the internet.

A console is for games in my honest opinion and the more their manufacturers push internet connectivity and apps the more they encroach on PC territory. At rumored prices wouldn't someone be better served buying a gaming PC and installing Steam over buying a console and paying a subscription to use all of its features? I think their special status is wearing kinda thin.
It certainly seems that way. Since I even had a laptop that could play games my consoles just see less and less games. A decent PC can be bought for less than £800 here that would play all the good games. You'd miss a few exclusives but nothing a casual weekend gamer would miss. My PS3 has been out of rotation since 2010, I only keep it for blu ray.

I'd like some more info on both new consoles and too see real footage rather than staged demos meant for building hype.
I'm not too thrilled with what I'm hearing. ONly one install per disk. Integrated Kinect and a mandatory internet connection. No backwards compatibility to existing 360 games. I might migrate back to PC gaming.
I'm not too thrilled with what I'm hearing. ONly one install per disk. Integrated Kinect and a mandatory internet connection. No backwards compatibility to existing 360 games. I might migrate back to PC gaming.

I have a feeling Microsoft is going to regret these features once they realize their sales are down. I can't even tell you how many times I would go over to a friends house when I was younger and and I'd bring halo or something similar and we'd stay up all night playing or have massive system links. And the great thing about the 360 is that you could still drop in an original xbox game and still play it. Now all of the old games are pretty much worthless.

Basically it will be the same quality of games and graphics (I can't imagine them being that much better) but with more limitations on how you can use it. I wish they would stick with just focusing on gaming. After all, I have a PC, Ipad, and Iphone that I can use to connect to the iternet, stream movies, talk to friends, video chat, etc...
I tend to be strongly against this sort of heavy-handed DRM. An example of DRM I can deal with is the limited form taken by steam, with the benefits in having access to working copies of old games and pretty rapid price drops on newer games.

Not being allowed to bring a game over to a friend's house, not being able to borrow a friend's game disk or trade for them- all of these actions were specifically taken to control the manner in which you interact with something you've purchased. I don't care how good the games might end up being, I can't support a business trying to seize rights from consumers that have stood on a 30+ year precedent of existing.

Honestly that Oculus Rift VR headset is starting to be more interesting than anything else on the gaming market anyways.
Xbox released a statement saying that dmrs are only if the developers want it. Not Xbox themselves. Xbox one isn't always online connectivity. Again, that depends on what the developers want.
Not being able to play used games is probably the dealbreaker for me. I usually wait a few months and buy games at a large discount. I think this is a terrible idea for Microsoft. Especially if the PS4 can play used games. The PS4 can play used games...right?

Not completely ruling out getting one. But ill have to wait for more info, and see what the price points are.
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I think so. ​Both consoles have a fair amount of restriction. I just did a quick google and am finding mixed results.
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