Moin Moin! was my first "real" FP week. The school year ended Tuesday and I started thesis work up at the university yesterday. I've been dabbling with my cheap FP pen and already have noted positive results in quality and comfort, but this was my first trial by fire. Met with my cohort, conducted our first presentations, met with our department head, and started editing each other's work.
On the bright side, I have a little extra time to publish.
Anyway, the pen.
One reason that I decided to try FP pens - other than the evil influence of this board, of course - was my messed up hands and the extreme discomfort that I get from writing with a ballpoint pen or pencil. I have a reconstructed left pinky, decreased sensitivity to temperature in my hands from repeated cold injuries, and quite a bit of scarring on my knuckles. After about 5 minutes of writing (typically less), my hand starts to cramp and I am in a lot of pain. After hours of classes in a typical day I would even have a hard time driving now and again.
Not so with the fountain pen. The lower pressure that I use to write with my cheap Office Depot fountain pen actually made writing a few pages of notes pleasurable. My notes are much more legible.
Thank you all for the bump in the right direction. Seriously. was my first "real" FP week. The school year ended Tuesday and I started thesis work up at the university yesterday. I've been dabbling with my cheap FP pen and already have noted positive results in quality and comfort, but this was my first trial by fire. Met with my cohort, conducted our first presentations, met with our department head, and started editing each other's work.
On the bright side, I have a little extra time to publish.
Anyway, the pen.
One reason that I decided to try FP pens - other than the evil influence of this board, of course - was my messed up hands and the extreme discomfort that I get from writing with a ballpoint pen or pencil. I have a reconstructed left pinky, decreased sensitivity to temperature in my hands from repeated cold injuries, and quite a bit of scarring on my knuckles. After about 5 minutes of writing (typically less), my hand starts to cramp and I am in a lot of pain. After hours of classes in a typical day I would even have a hard time driving now and again.
Not so with the fountain pen. The lower pressure that I use to write with my cheap Office Depot fountain pen actually made writing a few pages of notes pleasurable. My notes are much more legible.
Thank you all for the bump in the right direction. Seriously.