From a technical aspect, Method Shaving can work with any decent product or tools. What makes it really special is when the techniques and CAR's products are combined into one system.
Our sticky thread seems to address Method Shaving in context of "Lather on the brown, dog-@*#% smelling Cube; add shaving cream and some cutting balm to the brush; whip up lather; squeeze the brush; whip up more lather; shave."
That's what I got: a how-to for using a specific set of products. The only novel thing here seems to be squeezing the brush to bring shave cream to the top. I mean really, what's in the Cube? What's in the cutting balm? Hey here's an idea: mix all those ingredients into a cake of shave soap or a tube of cream, and whip it up like normal!
There's no reason I should have to use 4 different products to load up my brush in one go; you have the chemical lab, you have the manufacturing plant, you mix this s@#% together.
You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to buy some scentless shave cream from Sue, and add it to my brush when lathering off a New Spice puck. That seems like a good idea.