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Winning Contests?

As I enter some of the Carnival of Smiles contests, it makes me realize I haven't won anything...ever. I have to think I'm not the only one who has bad luck with these things? Conversely, I have to think there are folks who have great luck and win all the time?
To true Ray, to true.

In terms of physical prizes aside from my recent carnival win I really can't think of anything I've won but I don't enter many things.

My parents win things all the time (both Mum and Dad have won motorbikes before) but thats because of scale more than anything else, they enter everything that comes their way, often multiple times.
I've never won a large lottery, but I won the best thing of all - my wife's heart! It was the luckiest break in my life.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I'm a lucky man.
A beautiful and loving wife.
A great job that I love doing.
Good health.
Everything after that is gravy.
I have to think that stats has a part in this and not just comets and the cosmos. If someone wins something in a random-type contest, then they are more likely to enter more random-type contests, increasing their chances of winning more random-type contests, and so forth. And for those that have not had an early win or two, due to the random nature of said contests, then those individuals are less likely to bother entering, therefore decreasing their chances...

I've won a few things on different forums over the years, but that's because I enter most contests - once I ended up with a really nice hatchet that I didn't even need just because I was in the habit of entering.

I never win on B&B because these contests involve research or creative writing and I just don't have the time.
I never win any of this type of stuff. Every year for Christmas, my in-laws give my wife and me a stocking full of lottery tickets. Over the 9 Christmases, I've won less than $40 total on those. My wife has had better luck, but I've become the inside joke to our family. I sit for an hour scratching away without winning anything.

I've come to consider the lottery a tax on the mathematically challenged & raffles an opportunity to donate to charity. I've no expectation or real hope that I'll win anything, but it'd be a lot cooler if I did :tongue:
It is better to give than to receive. Much better. :yesnod:

I agree. A few weeks ago, I helped some other men from our church in the Angel Food Ministries (shameless plug here) and I am still feeling the positive effects of that experience versus the quick excitement that comes and goes from winning or receiving a gift.


Oh, and here's an easy one: Give someone a smile today. It's cheap, easy, and one of the most fruitful things you can do regularly with the most joyous returns.
One’s perception tends to build their reality. If you sit and take stock of your frustrations and look at them individually, usually, these individual frustrations reveal themselves as a group of trivial occurrences that have combined (with the help of a perception) to produce a negative outlook.

Once the choice to be positive has been made, a person must train themselves to look for (or even create) the small positive occurrences in order to build a positive “reality.”

In short, “happiness is a choice.”

I hope no one is thinking that we are talking about being disappointed that we haven't won anything. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't care in the least, and most likely pif my prize or something else if I were to win something anyway. I was just saying the odds are slim of me winning anything, and based on my experiences, there is little reason for me to get excited.

I'm perpetually happy, and typically when things are the worst is when I find the most peace and have the best mood around. The shaving gods have already smiled on me and blessed me with learning this art, finding this site, and meeting all these friends.

I don't care if I win anything. I've got a better than good setup. I was just saying that I don't really expect to win. Apologies for appearing negative, if that's what you guys were thinking.
I was about to reply to this post earlier, saying how I never win anything but then I suddenly got a PM saying I'd won a Goodfella razor. I feel I've now been robbed of my right to complain about never winning anything. *sigh* :tongue::tongue::tongue:
I hope no one is thinking that we are talking about being disappointed that we haven't won anything. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't care in the least, and most likely pif my prize or something else if I were to win something anyway. I was just saying the odds are slim of me winning anything, and based on my experiences, there is little reason for me to get excited.

I'm perpetually happy, and typically when things are the worst is when I find the most peace and have the best mood around. The shaving gods have already smiled on me and blessed me with learning this art, finding this site, and meeting all these friends.

I don't care if I win anything. I've got a better than good setup. I was just saying that I don't really expect to win. Apologies for appearing negative, if that's what you guys were thinking.

To be clear, I didn't really think that anyone was being negative or disappointed. I suppose that I just got going and couldn't stop. :blushing:

Sorry to get "preachy." :rolleyes:
Sure you have, your a winner just by being here at B&B.....:001_smile

Ain`t that the truth!

As my old mum always says winning isn`t everything and that is true as well.

I won an all expenses paid holiday for two to Bali once at a charity ball, well I`m not the sort of person who would really enjoy a holiday in Bali, so I walked up to the MC and told him I would prefer the holiday to be auctioned to the highest bidder at the ball. I was amazed when the crowd at the ball erupted into applause when he announced the holiday would be auctioned and the proceeds would be donated to the charity. The bidding went higher than the holiday was worth so all was good.

The point to this is although I won the holiday I felt a lot better while I was driving home having donated it back for auction rather than having taken the holiday, I felt good for weeks afterwards at the outcome.

Winning isn`t everything often giving is more satisfying:001_smile

unfortunately, I'm not a vendor or a mod, so I'm missing out on my best chance for warm fuzzies on this deal...

I do agree with that truth, BTW.

Paul, a 'Warm Fuzzy' sent your way; send me your address by PM and you win a prize :smile:.
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