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Wilkinson Sword from WalMart

So I bought a pack of these blades to try because they were cheap. I loaded one up in my Futur set on 2, and shaved away. It seemed to pull a bit at first, but after a few strokes the razor was cutting pretty well. I did two NS passes and I have a DFS shave. I am pretty sure if I went ATG i would have some irritation but nothing as bad as the dorco 300's for me. So, a passable blade and a decent shave without any irritation. I used Cella almond soap and Nivea sensitive balm to follow up. If you are on the fence about these, give em a shot!
They are pretty much the only thing you can actually go out and buy at a store except for the ones at Walgreens. I'm pretty well stacked on the Wilkinson's from Wal-Mart, and they have served me pretty well for daily duty. $1.84 for a Ten pack that gives a pretty decent shave, can't complain about that.

Being as that I have a pretty coarse beard, I'm lucky if I can get at least 2 let alone 3 shaves out of a single blade.
There are a couple of threads about these floating around and you echo what others have said. Not bad for what they are. IHO, I think that they do a darn good job and the price is awesome. I have been using them for about a month now and I can get about 5 decent shaves out of them.

I'm thinking of making these my go to blades from now own. Now that I said that Wally will stop stocking them. Sorry guys! LOL
I had another great shave today with Tabac soap and the wilkinson sword blade. Blade felt great, no burn with my aftershave and a darn smooth shave. I like the more solid plastic box these come in as well, will be great to have a cheap blade for my travel kit!
I've been using these for about a year or so. Readily available and cheap. I just thought I was lucky because I haven't had any issues with any blades, but I am glad to hear other have had good experiences with these also.
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