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Why is Proraso so picky?

Hi all, I have a question about Proraso Green Tube (old formula). I find it very difficult to get a decent amount of lather on it unless I squeeze is from the roots of the hair to the tips on the brush. Otherwise I find that I am making no "thick and pillow-y" lather that I am looking for. I tried adding more water, then added more product because it was to watery and it didn't go anywhere.

Another thing is that it almost burns my face from the coldness from the menthol. I don't know if it's because I am leaving it on too long or my face is too sensitive for the cream. It looks very red when I am shaving, but afterwards, after washing the excess off, it burns but goes away. Would I have better luck withe Proraso Sandalwood?
I used to have this problem with Proraso. I would get enough lather for a great first pass but couldn't get much of a lather after that. What I started doing was starting a proto-lather with a soap like VDH and then add a tiny dab or Proraso and get to work. VDH combined with Proraso makes an awesome super lather that gives me more than enough for my usual two pass shave, not to mention the fact that the VDH cuts through the menthol of Proraso a little bit and doesnt have quite the burn. If you really want to cheat, super lather the Proraso with some Arko. That combo makes with most wicked lather I have ever seen.
Consider doing this :thumbup:

1. Face lather only
2. Massage an almond size Proraso into your beard for every pass you do. That way you have enough for at least 3 passes.
3. Bowls are not meant for shaving cream - only for your brush to rest in while shaving, and maybe for a brush scuttle for the winter time :biggrin1:
This should work and give you an abundance of wonderful lather:

1.) Place an almond-sized drop of Proraso in the palm of your hand.
2.) Don't use too much water now, your brush should be almost dry. Swirl in your hand for about 10 to 20 seconds until you get something resembling a dry cream (way too dry to shave with).
3.) Now add a couple of drops of water. Swirl for another 10 to 20 seconds.
4.) And a few more drops, and another 10 to 20 seconds.

There you go - fantastic lather!


B&B's Man in Italy
Proraso is one of the easiest shaving creams to lather up properly, in my opinion. Try to use more product and stop swirling only when the lather gets a thick, creamy consistency.
Marco knows. Also, I gave up on Proraso for about 2 months before returning to it. I found that I could make lather in the dark with the stuff when I came back to it. Just keep working and don't cast it out.
Proraso is one of the easiest shaving creams to lather up properly, in my opinion. Try to use more product and stop swirling only when the lather gets a thick, creamy consistency.
I had the same experience with Proraso, very easy to lather. I also add water till I get that sheen on the lather.
I agree with much of above.

Proraso is one of the easiest creams to lather. If you are having problems. Use more product and less water initially then slowly add water.

For me, I like my proraso nice and thick and creamy so I dont use too much water and a lot of product. If its not slick enough on my face I just dip my brush in a little water until the slickness gets up to par.
I think I'll try the VDH and Proraso technique. I actually found a local store that sells VDH products including pucks and the deluxe set.
Poraso seems to want more than an almond sided amount. I use about 1 to 1 1/2 inches squeezed out of the tube. I moisten my brush, load in my bowl, then go to the face to build lather. I pick up clean water with the brush to add to the lather on my face. I easily have enough for 3 passes or more.

Easiest cream I have used, if it doesn't work you didn't use enough. It is fairly cheap too!

If you don't enjoy the menthol in Proraso green (I'm using C.O. Bigelow, but it's just rebranded Proraso green), then I wouldn't keep using it. Proraso red is lovely. Same lather, no menthol, great sandalwood scent. It also has shea butter, which nicely conditions the skin. Personally, I like the menthol, but I also like Proraso red a lot. I tend to use both for überlather with soaps now more than on their own, but they're the products I first started with and will always have in rotation.
I think Proraso is excelent stuff for lathering! I usually fill my mug with hot water and put my brush in it, then I jump in the shower when I'm finished i squeeze the brush so that it's wet but not dripping, empty the water from the mug put in some cream and lather up. Initially I was getting decent lathers but lately I've been spending an extra 20-30 seconds longer and the lather has literally exploded! It would be a crying shame if anyone was to turn their back on proraso because of poor lather, it definitely can't be the product that is at fault here. The menthol is another story, if it is a problem then as has been mentioned try the sandalwood. I haven't yet but I'm desperate to, unfortunately this week I discovered Arko...:biggrin1:
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