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Why dispose of razors, re-use ideas?

I found this patent application diagram and thought it was a cool idea that someone actually patented this!

I'm sure our used blades can still cut grass!:w00t:

Once again, the community comes through with some really great stuff! Actual patents, razor handles, etc, for these little blades. We can rest easy when we find another use for them! :001_tongu
Has anyone tried those cheap "straights" that take half a DE blade? Do they hold the blade securely enough to use as a box cutter or scraper?
I used them to cut the window insulation film that I used on my windows this winter - the sharp blades cut better than any utility knife I have. Of course I had to be extra careful with them, but there were no 'incidents' of any kind. I would love to get a holder / handle that will allow me to use them more easily - perhaps I will make one for myself before next winter :)
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