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Why did you start wet-shaving?

I decided to try it because I was tired of throwing money at the cartridge companies. I decided to continue because it was so much better (minimized irritation/nicks/ingrowns). I enjoy the relaxing effect of taking my time and getting a good clean shave.
The absolute start was when artofmanliness.com reprinted their blog post about shaving like your grandfather. I realized just how much I had come to loath shaving after 40 years. It had gotten so bad that I had taken any excuse possible to wear as much facial hair as decency permitted! And my beard didn't like being completely grown out! For the rest of my face, I simply used my beard trimmer to get as close as possible and called it good.

Now, I recently shaved back a goatee to a mustache and soul patch. I chose my facial hair to compliment my face and the rest is BBS.

+1 --- I ran across that same article while I was searching the net and it got me going, too!
I joined the Army in 1965 at the age of 16, and at my training Regiment in North Wales I was issued with a shaving brush and a stick of nameless shaving soap courtesy of the Queen and told to buy a razor and use it. For the next 20+years whether in barracks or the field I shaved. I have shaved in hot water, cold water, and tea. When my time was up and didnt have to shave every day to avoid the eagle eye of the Sergeant Major I started to feel extremely guilty and slovenly, so I bought an electric razor. Big mistake, my neck felt like I had been scalded.
I bought a cassette type razor and was reasonably happy with that and a tin of shaving foam. However, I moved to Japan 5 years ago and looked at the price of replacement blades for my razor. I found this website a few months ago and decided to revert. I am glad I did. Despite the initial outlay for razor brush etc I wonder why in the Hell I ever changed, and to top it all I am not being fleeced by the razor blade company and really rather enjoy my shaves in the solitude of my bathroom.
From the beginning. 1981 or so I think. Started with a Gillette, a mug of Williams and a Burma Shave brush and haven't changed much. For the last 20 years or so the razor's been an old type out of a Providence second-hand shop. I've had a few beards over that time as well. :wink2:
Tired of paying so much money for Fusion carts and having the rip my head apart after 4 head shaves. Little did I know AD would set in and that theory went right out the door.
Saving money, avoiding ingrown hairs and everything that comes with cartridges.

Slowly but surely I feel that as my shave improves.....I get sick with shaving related acquisition sickness, in relation to finding the perfect shave.
I started wet shaving because I hated the cost of carts, and disposables only lasted 1-2 shaves due to getting clogged. So far I've not been affected by any ADs, so hopefully I can keep those at bay. Though I have been thinking about getting an aftershave splash, some CO Bigelow for when the weather warms up, and some of the other fun named soaps/creams I've seen (Yeti Snot, offerings from The Holy Black, etc). So it's starting. :)
I walked into Sally's beauty supply for a brush (like my barbers) to apply talcum powder to relieve shaving irritation . I saw the cheap tto de razor and thought for $8 I didn't have much to lose as a curiosity thing. Seemed cheap especially considering the blades they were selling for the razor. Tried it and the irritation after shaving was gone. And then after some research I discovered less irritation was a benefit to wetshaving and then the AD began.
I walked into Sally's beauty supply for a brush (like my barbers) to apply talcum powder to relieve shaving irritation . I saw the cheap tto de razor and thought for $8 I didn't have much to lose as a curiosity thing. Seemed cheap especially considering the blades they were selling for the razor. Tried it and the irritation after shaving was gone. And then after some research I discovered less irritation was a benefit to wetshaving and then the AD began.

I started with that same razor. Less as a curiosity, and more as a way to feel better about myself and make myself a little more presentable. I loathed shaving before that, and avoided it as much as possible. Now, about 2 months later, I'm getting the best shaves of my life and my wife won't stop touching my face.
I had shaved with my Dads Gillette DE when I was in my mid to later teens. He had switched to an electric razor he had gotten for Christmas that year and had resigned the old DE to the medicine cabinet at our Lake house. I enjoyed using it back then with a can of Barbasol just because it was Dads and the style of shaving was different.

I have been an electric shaver for better than 30 years until I stumbled upon a shaving mug and brush put out as a decoration at my mothers house. After looking at the mug and discovering that I was my Grandfathers (he bought the mug in 1936, the brush is an old Erskine.. vintage unknown) and that my Dad and Grandad had used them both. My mother made them a gift to me after I mentioned how much I was interested in going back to the land of wet shaving. Now they are a decoration at my house (to sentimental to use). Since then I have acquired a near perfect 64' Gillette Adjustable, Omega badger brush, and a fantastic shaving bowl, brush/razor stand and soap puck container from Roberts Feats of Clay and more than a few soaps, creams & blade samples.

Now you know what lead me down the obsession rabbit hole... My only question now is how to I stop buying more DE razors, soap, cream, blade samples!! NVM, I enjoy it too much! :001_tt1:
I started with that same razor. Less as a curiosity, and more as a way to feel better about myself and make myself a little more presentable. I loathed shaving before that, and avoided it as much as possible. Now, about 2 months later, I'm getting the best shaves of my life and my wife won't stop touching my face.
If you are still using that razor, an EJ89 will change your life again.
i started out with an electric shaver, but found i ended up with razor burns, in the end i switched to disposables and then got a DE never looked back
Initial reason was to save money. Couldnt believe I was considering paying £18 for 5 cart blades. Every time I thought about the cost of the carts I broke out in a cold sweat ( that'll have been the scotsman in me). So started looking for alternatives. Electric was out as both foil and rotary left me feeling like I'd fought a lawnmower.

Came across B&B and had a quick shufty then off to DE shaving land I did go.

Still amazed no more razor burn. No more neck rash.

What more can I say
I started DE shaving after I was finally released from using the medication, Warfarin (heart patient). Most physicians recommend giving up the blade while on the medication (Warfarin is a blood thinner). So, to celebrate my release from (at least) one really nasty medication, I decided to try DE Shaving. I'm loving every part of the process (thanks to a lot of info on this forum). So, thank you to all of your great comments and suggestions.
I started wet shaving with a shavette, for skin reasons. A friend of mine who also has psoriasis recommended it to me, and sent me a shavette and some derby blades. After trying it for a week, I noticed a marked improvement in skin quality on my face. The exfoliation from the brush and blade has left my chin red skin and flake free. I think the higher quality pre shave, shave, and post shave products i'm now using play into it a lot too. Sense it has removed all 'face dandruff' and returned my jaw skin to skin colored...i'm sticking with it for life.
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