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Why did you start wet-shaving?

Started with electric did not like the ingrown hairs. Moved to disposable (Mach 3) liked it better for years. Decided to try wet shaving just recently. The feel of the shave is the best, closer shave, face feels wonderful after the shave, smells better, much higher quality made products, only have to throw one blade away instead of plastic head or entire plastic razor. All in all a much better shaving experience.
Started with a safety razor when I was a teen. Then switched to cartridge razors and went electric for about a decade. Recently switched back to wet shaving and forgot the pleasure to be had in shaving.
Originally started it to save money and get rid of all the irritation carts gave me....well, saving money is out (too many AD's at the moment since I'm quite new), but the irritation is gone and I actually enjoy shaving now, so it worked out in the end.
Always have since 15 or so years. Dad and granddad always did wet shave so nothing else really came up (cartridge though). Just picked up DE Razor shaving this week because I read about it and it sounded interesting. Although maybe I should point out that I used to use cream and brush even with a cartridge.

I am really enjoying the DE razor now, even after this short time with it. Ironically my little brother use an electric razor..
Mainly because I like the old ways! I started shaving at the age of 15 (gosh, three years already) with an Edwin Jagger, Vulfix super badger 660, and Truefitt and Hill 1805. I was very clear in my mind from the day my thoughts turned to shaving that I would never use any modern contraptions, and I am proud to say that I have not.

I suppose my fascination stems from my feeling of history, which has prompted me to amass a large coin collection.
Mainly because I like the old ways! I started shaving at the age of 15 (gosh, three years already) with an Edwin Jagger, Vulfix super badger 660, and Truefitt and Hill 1805. I was very clear in my mind from the day my thoughts turned to shaving that I would never use any modern contraptions, and I am proud to say that I have not.

I suppose my fascination stems from my feeling of history, which has prompted me to amass a large coin collection.
That is really cool! I can't imagine trying to learn that 15, but maybe it would have been easier than relearning. I don't know.
Ha, it was a really scary experience at first. I really took the no pressure mantra to heart, so much so that I was actually afraid to touch the razor to my face at first. Ah, fun times!
Started wet shaving after 30 years of electric. After watching GeoFatBoy I realized I didn't have a clue how to wet shave correctly. After using his technique, I found it very relaxing and enjoyable. I was amazed how razors like EJ 89, Mongoose and Futur shave so nice and smooth. Not like my army issue Gillette. I started shaving 6 months ago with a straight and love it. It's an art to do it right. Now I can relate to Clint and the Duke.
Started wet shaving after 30 years of electric. After watching GeoFatBoy I realized I didn't have a clue how to wet shave correctly. After using his technique, I found it very relaxing and enjoyable. I was amazed how razors like EJ 89, Mongoose and Futur shave so nice and smooth. Not like my army issue Gillette. I started shaving 6 months ago with a straight and love it. It's an art to do it right. Now I can relate to Clint and the Duke.
I am quite tempted to progress to a straight razor, but guessing that is yet another relearning so I think I will leave that until I can handle the DE razor properly. :)
I originally started because I was looking to save money on cartridge blades. After a few years of DE shaving I'm not sure I am saving any money, but now I don't mind spending the money on all the other fine products I have discovered.
Many reasons I guess, I wanted to save money (which my collecting personality got the best out of so that did not happen), cartridges would go dull on me quite easily, it would be quite annoying trying to remove stuck hair frequently, they also became unpleasant after a while. I read it would help out with my dry skin. Been doing it for around 8 months and I don't plan to go back.
My 25 year old son was influenced and encouraged to adopted wet shaving by a close friend. In due course he then successfully proselytizied me.

Oh happy days...
I started shaving with a M3. I used to hate shaving. Later when the Fusion came out I gave my M3 to my dad and used to Fusion. The Fusion was so bad compared to the M3. I started to hate shaving even more! And the price of the carts only made it worse, and all the bad shaves I had with the M3/Fusion it was just terrible. I tried many ways of shaving, electric, going to the barber, I even tried it with a hair clipper.

Later I started to date a girl who's a barber. I told her how I hate shaving and the Gillette carts are so expensive. She told me about DE shaving, I knew about DE razors before but one thing I didn't knew is how great they are. I ordered a Merkur 34C HD, couple blade samplers, TOBS Jermyn Street. I got my goods after a couple days, I took a hot shower and loaded a derby into my razor and after I was done I was blown away by the results. I gave all the Fusion carts I had to my brother. Since that day I never touched a cart razor. It's almost three years ago.
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