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Why did the seller do that, ahhhhh!

I just received a lovely vintage Kropp razor this morning that I'd bought on Ebay.

The seller had put the razor in it's original card box......

and then covered the box all over in parcel tape!

There's absolutely no chance of removing the tape without, at best removing all of the printed material with it and at worst ripping the box to shreds.

It looked to have been in excellent order too.

  • :crying:
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I would be frustrated as well. Sorry to hear. Some of the old boxes are as interesting as the Razors they hold.


I got moves like Jagger
I hate it when this happens. Low heat with a hair dryer softens the adhesive and makes tape removal significantly easier.
Was the box shown as part of the listing? If so, I'd try contacting the seller and asking for a partial refund. Explain to them that you made your bid for both the razor and the box and feel that they ruined part of the item. Won't solve your problem, but might make it a little less painful of a loss

I agree with eelhc, try a hairdryer and cross your fingers
Thanks guys and I will indeed try the hairdryer trick.

The box was (or at least would have been) a bonus as it wasn't listed.

I have a number of Kropp Razors but mine are all later, stamped 'MADE AND GROUND IN SHEFFIELD, ENG.' This one is from before WW1 and marked 'MADE IN SHEFFIELD, GROUND IN HAMBURG' so this was the attraction as well as the condition. Obviously grinding in Germany for a UK company would have been a problem after 1914. Happily, relations are much better now :)
Well, considering the average person is pretty stupid, that means that 50% of the people are even dumber. I'd say that the seller is most likely in the lower 50%. It's a shame, because the original packaging does add value to vintage items.
That's exactly why I like buying straights from fellow B&B members; they actually know about what they're selling. Obviously whoever sold it to you wasn't thinking; but hopefully you'll be able to salvage the box.
Hi Guys,

I managed to remove the parcel tape from the razor case without removing all of the printed matter etc and wouldn't you know - the case is actually for a German Razor and nothing to do with the Kropp. Oh well, at least I have a reasonable case for a 'Made in Solingen' razor.

Still IMV it's crazy to cover a perfectly good razor case in parcel tape, wrap it in bubble wrap and then put it in a padded envelope! The bubble wrap and padded envelope would have been fine for protection :)

Some of you won't be old enough to remember 'Floppy Disks' ? I once worked for a software company and we sent everything out on 5.25 inch floppy disks. A particular customer had problems installing, so we requested that he return the installation disk. He did, but when it arrived, he'd kindly stapled a complement slip to the floppy disk. Hopefully this gentleman used a cartridge razor and nothing potentially more dangerous :)
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Here you go. Dovo straight razor box! What a good deal only $20!

Sorry, sucks that your box was ruined. But do people really care enough to be willing to pay $20 for a box?
:lol: last time I used a 5.25" floppy disk I would've been probably about 7 or 8 years old.....even at that age I would've known better than to do something as stupid as that :lol:

anyway, it's good that you were able to save that box...too bad that it wasn't the original though. Guess now you have to go shopping for a razor to match it :thumbup1:
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