+Affordable (This shavette is one of the cheapest on the market)
+Quality material
+Safety features
-Blade change mechanism
I once again return with another instalment of the Shavers Revúe the series where i rewiev the shaving products i use and also document my journey through the wet shaving world. Today we will take a look on the Cut-throat shavette from The Bluebeards revenge.
The Cut-Throat is a nice little shavette, which id say is good for beginners. Its sold for a very nice price of cca 20 euros and very much avalible online.
The shavette is shiped in a cute little cardbord box. Once you open the said box you will receive the razor itself a paper poster which describes how to change the blades and on the other side theres a nice little poster. You also get a plastic case for the shavette. Now its nothing of high quality reminding me of the plastic covers which can be found on small tools in hardware stores, however the fact that you get any kind of case for your shavette is always welcome IMO.
Let us take a look at the shavette itself. Its shaped and styled into a traditional straight razor. The shavette is made out of stainless steel, brass and plastic which is very nice because all of these materials are resistant to corosion. The plast handle feels good in the hand and doesnt slip. So does the tang and shank itself. The steel is nicely machined and doesnt have neither sharp nor rough edges. A very interesting thing is that the shavette has an interesting safety feature. The area of the blade holder is thick and tapered in a way that it forces you to hold a good angle and makes it harder to get into a dangerous angle and make a massive cut.
Now what i strongly do not like about the shavette is the blade change mechanism. You have to lift a thin cover to be able to split the shank and remove the blade. However the metal cover can be quite stiff and to open the shanke you have to jam a finger nail into the front of it. All of these operations are performed on an area very near the sharp blade. You can saddly cut yourself very easily and the razor sharp blade can bite quite deep into your flesh.
Now lets talk about the shave itself the best indicator. After loading an Astra SP and lathering up with barbus i atemted my first shave with a shavette. Since i ofc dont have any prior experince with straight razors or shavettes ive given myslef a few cuts. However the experience was mostly pleasurable. The shavette fit comfortably in my hands and gave me a stuningly close shave. Im sure that with more experience il lower the damage to my face and closen the shaves.
Overall id whole heartedly recomend the Cut-throat from the Bluebeards revenge. The razor is an affordable way to trying the shavette/straight razor and i can see it as an entry level or travel shavette. Thank you all for reading my review
P.s. i will post this review under the same name on the fame /r Wicked_edge