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Why an Aristocrat?

Busy "browsing" for a razor again, but not really sure of what I am doing. Just acquired a 40s SuperSpeed and a 70s Tech, and am happy with the shaves so far. Have been reading where people with similar razors have found new happiness with an Aristocrat, perhaps because they shave a bit closer. Looking at the Wiki, the U.S. Aristocrat has the same blade gap as the 40s SuperSpeed. And looking at the razors on Mr. Razor's site, the Aristocrat looks almost to be a gold SuperSpeed. What is it that I am missing? Thanks for any input, John
I like the heft of the Aristocrat. The 40's Super Speed handle is lighter & thinner. But both are great shavers IMO & two of my favorite razors. Highly recommend the Aristocrat if you seek a close shave without being too overly aggressive. [insert enabling here] Every collection should have both and you will find you wont be duplicating :biggrin:
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I have two, a NDC and a no notch '47, and my response would be that they look good, feel good in my hand, and shave nicely too.

I have both and the difference to me is the Aristocrat has a thicker handle, the size of a fat handle Tech or the Fat Boy Adjustable, and is 10 - 11 grams heavier. The heads appear to look the same.

Because it is heavier and has more knurling it feels different.

I have not shaved with it yet. I purchased it because it was the razor I remember my father had during my childhood.
I'm probably one of those guys you're referring to, so I'll give it a go. I have a pre-1951 Tech and a 1948 Aristocrat (plus some others) here in front of me to do a direct comparison.

  • Without the blade - and using my electronic kitchen scale, the Tech is 61 grams and the Aristocrat is 69. Just for comparison my 1948 Super Speed is 54 grams, my new Futur is 123 (it's a freaking beast!), my new Merkur Slant is 76 and my Super Speed flare tip is 56.

  • When struck with my fingernail, the Tech and Aristocrat both sound solid - like lead. The others have a higher tinnier sound, even the Futur.

  • In my hands, the Futur has a handle that is difficult (too wide) to hold up near the neck with my three finger-tips, which is how I shave. The Tech is too narrow - I feel I over-correct with it. The Aristocrat is just *perfect* for my hands and shaving style.

  • The Aristocrat has aggressive ridges and texture on the handle, which makes it extremely easy to hold and control when covered with lather and water. The Tech and Super Speed have texture, but it gets tough to control with thick, slick tallow lather. And forget it with the Futur; the deep gash I gave myself on the cheek a few weeks ago (still healing) was due to losing control with that beast.

  • The gold head of the Aristocrat is the slickest of all of them, bar none. I would have thought the matte finish of the Futur would have been really slick in thick lather with the matte finish breaking the surface tension of the lather, but my experience was just the opposite. The Tech and Super Speed are very smooth, especially the gold Tech, but they aren't as slick as the Aristocrat.

  • The Aristocrat, Tech and Super Speed all look like they have the same curve to the top of the head, but different curves to the under-side, which would affect the cutting angle of the blade. The Tech looks to have the shallowest angle by my eye, the Super Speed is middle and the Aristocrat the steepest (we're talking minute differences here). I have no way of measuring this and it could be an optical illusion, but that's my impression. And when Feathers are introduced to the mix, every little thing counts when the blade meets the face.
It may not seem like much, but the differences above really make the Aristocrat a more pleasurable shaving experience for me. It's like discovering Feathers for the first time. Or Prairie Creations tallow soap. It's very much a personal *eureka* moment when it all clicks and the comfort and smoothness all come together as a unified whole.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :w00t:
Everyone is misleading you about Aristocrats. They are harbingers of evil! Inflicters of pain! They are not worthy of shaving an angry badger!

Fortunately, there's an organization to protect innocent shavers from the horrors of the Aristocrat.

Should you find any Aristocrat razor, simply send it to Hoos’ Association for the Rehabilitation and Habituation of Aristocrat Razors ("HARHAR"). At HARHAR, we re-acclimate the wild Aristocrat to modern shaving routines. An untamed Aristocrat is a dangerous thing. Please, I beg you, send your Aristocrats to me! If not for you, for your face.

Send your Aristocrats to HARHAR today! Otherwise, people may point at you and go "Har Har!" :biggrin:

Actually, I believe Gillette hit the sweet spot of razors with the Aristocrat: well-designed, shaves beautifully, and looks great. Of course, YMMV.
The classic aristocrat is the late 40's gold one. However, Gillette named many razors aristocrats form the flarebottom to a gilded version of the slim. Along the way were the beautiful rhodium plated British ones including the 15, 21 and 66.

I have tried several versions and like them all. The classic one is outstanding - perfect balance, nice blade exposure, good weight, easy loading, and looks good. The rhodium series are even better and have even more heft.
WhosYourBob, yes I have been reading what you've been writing about the Aristocrat!! And now I am ready to try one!! From what I understand so far, the 46-47 would be just about the ultimate - right? Anyone?
I've got my eye on a certain "Argentina Aristocrat" on eBay. I hope it is still available when I get the money together.
The '48 Aristocrat is my all time favorite shaver. The convenience of a TTO, but with the heft and fine workmanship of a Fat Boy. Superb balance, but the quality that makes me love this razor is its musicality. For some odd reason, I can hear each whisker get cut better with this razor than with any other I've tried.

This IMHO is Gillette's absolute finest. Pardon my gushing, but it does not get any better than this. My adjustables (super, slim, and Fat Boy) are still in rotation as is my Red Tip, but this is the champ!!:smile:
I've got my eye on a certain "Argentina Aristocrat" on eBay. I hope it is still available when I get the money together.

Mark - on behalf of all B&B members, please buy the Argentina Aristocrat - we're tired of looking at that dog, uh beauty for the last year. :wink2:
The 46-47 Aristocrat has become my favorite. Such a great feel in the hand, even when things get wet and slippery.

I've noticed with some razors (Rocket HD comes to mind), I can get a fine shave, but it always feels like I'm about to drop the razor.
I have two Aristo's I purchased when looking for a purty gold razor. I found them too aggressive for me although they are nicely built. If you are collecting you are obligated to have one...so go ahead.

I have two Aristo's I purchased when looking for a purty gold razor. I found them too aggressive for me although they are nicely built. If you are collecting you are obligated to have one...so go ahead.


When I started out I scored an Aristocrat and found it too aggressive, it went on the shelf.
Later I gave it another go and found it to be a great razor, did the razor change sitting there on the shelf?
Of course not but my ability to maintain proper blade angle had improve, so now a razor that wouldn't work for me is now a favorite and is back in the rotation.
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