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Why all the hate on AoS

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I really don't understand why there is a notion that AoS is sooooo expensive and ridiculous! I am no way affiliated with them. I did work in sales and understand the need to know the product.

1. The prices are about the same or less as other creams in a tub (ie. Geo F. Trumper, Castle Forbes, D. R. Harris, Truefitt & Hill). There are also plenty of other creams that are more costly (ie. Penhaligans, Xpec etc). The same goes for the majority of the software. The products work really well and for the most part gets great reviews. It is also readily available for the most part. I agree hardware is a little over priced, but you pay for convenience with it.

2. The employees are what they are. Majority of wet shavers are not gonna work in retail. These are college kids or people that this is a part time/second job to supplement income. Go to any other store and ask the guy in the suit department where the shirts, ties, and suits are made or the fabrics they are made of, he will have no clue for the most part. I love shoes, and stopped in a Johnston Murph store and explained to the salesman, I still bought a pair based on prior use not his knowledge. So why dog AoS for there sales reps knowledge if you already know what your looking at.

3. What other brand or store has the presence in the U.S. to show men that canned goo is not the only way to shave? AoS was what peaked my interest in wet shaving. I bought my first software and razor from there. Did I over pay for the razor, yes but i walked home with the gear and shaved with it the next morning. I did not have to wait for the post man to deliver.
Most members say it is nice to go in to avoid the wife's stores while she shops. So it is serving a purpose for just about all.

All in all we have a free will to shop and spend our hard earned money where we please, so why hate on a business that caters to our hobby and is trying to get the concept to go main stream and make a dollar. Why not say good for them and encourage other companies to follow the model and expand more brick and mortar stores.
"Hate" and "hate on". Please explain these terms to me because for me, hate is a very strong word and from what I have read, people have simply expressed criticisms of their experiences when dealing with AOS.

I don't think anyone here "hates" AOS.

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"hate" means to [FONT=arial, sans-serif]intense or passionate dislike, I should have used disrespect or criticize. It just seems that any post mentioning AoS it gets a lot of negativity abd a lot of bashing. I do understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion and has the right to state it. Sorry if I mislead my intention with wording.[/FONT]
I always enjoy my time at AoS even though I would never purchase hardware from them. Their creams and soaps are excellent and I will always have the Sandalwood cream as long as they continue making it. A new store opened up near me and I was greeted by a nice lady that gave me a sample kit of their unscented cream/balm/pre-shave oil. I think they've done more to raise shaving awareness than any other retailer out there.

That said, I've found many products that I like just as well, if not better. Some are more expensive but most are cheaper.
I don't hate them but there quality imho has went down hill. I can say that with almost 10yrs of using there products exclusively. ymmv and yes they are who introduced into the finer world of shaving products.


My elbows leak
Staff member
1. I didn't find their prices unreasonable. A refill puck was quite reasonable. I don't need their overpriced wooden bowl. Their cream was a terrific value because you had to use so little of it to get a really great lather. Their hardware is overpriced, even for the convenience of having a B&M place to go, but I never spent any of my money on hardware there so it really makes no difference to me what they charge for a Merkur razor blade or a vibrating Fusion.

2. Agree that most retail employees are not experts in their area of sales. That day has long since passed. What is slightly irritating about many AOS shops (and some other retailers also to be fair) is the bearing of the sales people in their efforts to convince you that they do in fact know all about their stuff, when what they know is blatantly false or incorrect.

3. I agree that having a Brick & Mortar store is an advantage. Much like Teavana, it's a place where people new to the scene can gain a little experience and see and hold first hand what it is they are buying. They have value for this very reason.

I also agree we all have a free will to shop where we please, and some people here exercise that right and are willing to come here and state why they don't like to shop there.
I have not bought an AOS product since they went non-tallow. I don't plan to either.

If by some chance, there is an overwhelming outcry about how much better (or even equal in quality) their new non-tallow products are, I might reconsider.
I've never lived anywhere that had an AoS, so I don't have a dog in this fight. However, I've never noticed any disparagement or bashing of AoS here, let alone hate. I have seen reviews that were the reviewer's frank opinion of the products, but I have seen some negative reviews on most products at one time or another.
I have a tub of their Lavender cream that I didn't like very much before (compared to all the usual suspects that people love), but in the interest of using it before it goes bad, I've been "exclusive" with it for the past week or so, and really like it. I bought it a year ago when I was just starting out, and undoubtedly my technique has improved and I've found "my" blade. I'm pretty happy with AoS right now. Not only does YMMV, but YMMV "over time"...
1. I guess if a regular active B&B user has accumulated some knowledge that easily surpasses that of a sales person, then a disappointment is likely when he visits AOS for advice. There might be very knowledgeable people around, just there is a pretty good chance to get average or below par sales talk.

2. Behind AOS today there is P&G, not exactly a small craftsman business to manufacture shaving brushes, soaps and DE razors or sell a wide selection of DE blades. The vintage Gillette razors that are highly regarded around here, have nothing to do anymore with the Gillette brand of products sold by the multi billion dollar company today. There is kind of a crass discrepancy here and the old times aren't coming back for this traditional brand.

Just my $0.02
If AOS repulses anyone, they should just avoid it. Man, it's just shaving! Most people who look at this forum know there are other options. Some people like AOS products. Live and let live. I think it's kind of nice to see one of their stores when I'm out and about. Better than a lot of other crap one might find in malls.
IMO I do not believe it is "hate" as much as distrust with AOS. I walked into their NYC store over 10 years ago. I was met by a young lady showing her cleavage and her knowledge of the product line was limited to "all the men I date use this shave cream, etc". I walked out. Then about 9 years ago I walked into their San Fran store. I swear it was deja vu. Same type of salesgirl, same outfit, same sales pitch. Have not returned to one. Don't get me wrong, I do not mind a saleswoman who is knowledgable but the outfit and sale pitch is better served elsewhere, not in a shave store. I cannot comment on price as I never sayed long enough to find out what the prices actually were. I figure if that is their marketing plan then their products must be very poor quality and / or extreamly overpriced.
I was looking for a reason to get rid of my AOS Fine Badger brush because I didn't want the stigma of a product that was so commercial. (Kind of dumb) Sure probably overpaid but AOS got me back into wet shaving before I knew any better. I just can't think of a reason to get rid of my brush... I really like the performance of this brush and will probably serve me for years to come.
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I am happy to have an AOS store here in town. The sales people, particularly the manager, know me by face if not name. I bought a basic best badger from them that shed, they replaced it with another that shed as well, I went with a fine badger that works great, and was offered a steep discount on a new Merkur 47C with a free pack of Gillette Silver Blades. I feel they use too many chemicals in their soaps and balms; I have switched to another brand for daily shaving soap.

Do I hate the store or AOS? No, the sales staff are at least interested and do engage customers when in the store shopping. Are they different from other stores with sometimes lightly trained or less then knowledgeable? These days it's flat out hard to find good customer service anywhere, and at least my store is well laid out and are doing a booming business right now with Christmas approaching. So; they could be better, but I've seen a whole lot worse in other big names locally.
AoS is the Starbucks of wet shaving.... the one difference is their soaps and creams HAD a very good reputation for decent performance and very nice scents.
But with reformulation, their performance has dropped (though the nice scents remain).

Razors, brushes, straights, etc.... it's all private-label from other common suppliers and marked up 30-100%.
+1 It is worth something to look, touch, and smell. I also had a fine experience with a respectful salesman. It was a good place to start.
They have a decent sized number of products from AOS at Macy's. The lady behind the counter was more than helpful to me, when explaining what everything was and how it worked. If/when i go to the actual AOS store, i hope i get the same treatment.
They have a decent sized number of products from AOS at Macy's. The lady behind the counter was more than helpful to me, when explaining what everything was and how it worked. If/when i go to the actual AOS store, i hope i get the same treatment.

And that is the difference from Starbucks.
Their employees, while for the most part largely ignorant of good wetshaving practices, are typically extremely helpful and friendly.
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