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Who recognizes this novelty cologne/AS bottle?

I got this from eBay for a few bucks. The guy billed it as an Aqua Velva bottle, but the bottle is marked Avon, and the residue in the bottle doesn't smell like Aqua Velva. The scent is a little spicy, and a little generic-cheap-cologne. although not bad.

The glass is blue, and the polar bear is plastic.

Whatever it is or was in it, it is cute, and it will look nice with my other shaving stuff.

Is there a sticker on the underside? Avon bottles were typically labeled with their scents. If it has a spicy scent, it could very well be their "spicy" scent.
The label is gone, but with thevoice's information, I was able to confirm that it is a bottle that held Avon's Everest cologne. Thanks.
It was called Everest!

Glad I could help. An aunt I lived with for a while was an Avon rep and had what looked like hundreds (probably dozens now that I'm old enough to know!) of bottles with fantastic shapes and colors. Seems like scent manufacturers gave themselves a little more trouble back in the day!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I had no idea there were Polar Bears on Everest :lol:

The old aftershave bottles did have some great novelty shapes, but clearly Avon was king of the roost in that department.
Wow, haven't seen the likes of those in many years! Brings back memories! There was a bullet shaped one I used to like. Probably terrible scent, I can't even recall. Thanks for taking some pics and posting!
I loved the cars shape ones..my MOM was a Avon rep.

My mom sold Tupperware. No help there.
Ex-wife sold Avon for a year or so, but that was in the early 80s and I don't recall any cool shaving stuff. At the time I wasn't using any AS and I was always going back and forth between a Trac-II and electric.
Too funny. My Mom and sister sold Avon products too (then Tupperware and Amway). All those bottles were the coolest to this kid. Who knew they'd be worth so much more as collectibles today. With luck I may find some buried in all the piles.
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