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Who here is a minimalist


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
After 4 years of traditional wet shaving and trying, buying, selling & PIF'ing, I have been reducing the den more & more with each passing day. Using up soft product which won't be replaced. Trimming down the brush herd to just 1 boar, 1 badger, 1 synthetic. Since I enjoy shaving with DE & SE during the week, and Straights on the weekends and use a vintage Trac II when I travel, I will still end up with at least 4 different razors.

Not very minimalist by most definitions, but definitely less than where I am at now.
How about adding shaving styles to the definition of being minimalist?

My friend tends to use straight razor and olive oil.

As for myself, I like to use just a teeny bit of cream, oil or other lather when I'm shaving - and can't keep myself from wondering, why people have a huge amounts of lather when they're shaving.
I was a minimalist till about a month ago when I showed up here. Ever since then I've been going nuts. Different creams, a quiver of razors, restoring brushes.

Did I mention that I hate you all for that! LOL :lol:

It's all good though. Just a new hobby...
Plenty of threads for those with huge shave dens but this is for those few that keep it simple.

I have a 23c razor, tub of TOBS Avocado, random boar brush and 10 pack of feather blades. That's all I have and will have until I run out of soap or need more blades.

This just seems scarey to me :scared:.

I'm a minimalist. I have two razors (Slim and EJ DE87), but use the EJ 90% of the time. I have one badger brush (EJ BBB), use only one brand of blade (Astra SP), one ASB (Nivea Replenishing Balm), but I do have and use five soaps, in no particular order. I have no AD's.
I have visions of being a minimalist. If I ever do, my kit will probably be a 39c slant, Polsilver SI, Tabac stick, Colonel X2L or a Semogue SOC, Trumper's skin food, and Tabac AS.
Finally got to the point of eliminating 2 more razors from the rotation; the Hoffritz slant (nice shave, ify handle feel) and birth quarter Flair Tip (too mild which led to more irritation than my other razors). I'm also likely to wean off Mike's soaps after the current puck is gone and stick to Mitchell's and Tabac.

Minimalism is getting clearer in my sights!
After owning 10+ razors, now I only have EJde89 for my razor.
Brush: Muhle Synthetic Fibre 21mm
As for Soaps: Razorock XX and QCS Coconut
Aftershave: Mandom Lucido and Razorock Problem Solver
Blades: Personna Meds

I realized I don't need so much stuff. I only use what I like and what works for me. No need to have so much.
I'm getting there. I'm down to four razors, one tube of Cremo cream, and ten soaps, Two Semogue Boar brushes, one bottle each of Brisk, and Clubman AS, and two bottles of Nivea ASB. I have a little over a hundred DE blades, and 93 Personna Injector blades for my Schick Adj. M-2 Injector razor. If I had to I could easily get by with using the Injector, Cremo Cream, and the Brisk AS daily.

Razor: Merkur 38 HD C
Blade: Personna Labs Blue
Brush: Rudy Vey custom
Oil: Taconic
Soap: Vostok or Iced Key Lime (summer)/Mike's any scent (winter)
After Shave: Grey Flannel

I have tried other products, but these are the ones I keep coming back to. I have given up trying more new stuff as I really like these choices.
I could be a minimalist in hardware (and compared to most here, I am). But I have never been a product minimalist. I love me some product!
I'm definitely a minimalist. Just starting with DE shaving and I've got a sampler pack of blades to go through but I"m lucky enough that I've found a setup that works for me so I'll probably stick with it for a long while.

EJ DE89 Razor, Tweezerman brush, and a apothecary style mug.

For a long time I used AoS shave cream and Anthony Logistics everything else. Thanks to this site I've discovered new creams and after shave balms and more importantly a bunch of places to buy them. I've got a list of stuff I want to try but only one at a time.
This community has made my bank account Very Minimalistic!!!


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I've been wet shaving since August. I've amassed a sizeable collection of razors, blades, soaps, creams, splashes, etc, etc. I've tried a number of different things. I look forward to shaving everyday. I am really feeling like I want to simplify everything, now. I think I could be very very happy to winnow my den to the following:

Razors: Weber PH and FaTip (maybe a slant too)
Blades: Personna Labs and GSB's
Brush: SOC Boar and WSP 2-band (maybe 1 more)
Soap: MWF and Tabac
AS: Thayer's Alcohol free

Is this a typical phase at the 6-month mark? Will this feeling go away? Will I ever get back to scouring vendor pages and filling virtual shopping carts with hundreds of dollars worth of products?
I never went to minimalist mode. What is that? Haha. Just stay on the forums and all the ADs will return real quick! Get out while you still can. Enjoy the minimalist thing for as long as it lasts.
My opinion is that some people, like me, eventually realize they don't need much of everything. For example, I am more interested in razors than soaps, brushes, blades, etc... If you find a few items that work for you, and you feel no need for anything else, why not keep it simple? Will that feeling change? I don't know. Some people like to have lots of choices in all fields, others find a specific setup and stick to it.
As you wish, and as you feel happy!
I've only been at this for 3 months and I gathered up a good chuck of my shaving supplies into a box and stuck it down in the basement. I've found 2 razors I like to use most and a brush. I keep a mini collection of soaps around to use as the mood hit me.

Should I get the bug, I can go spelunking in my basement to pull something new out of hiding.
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