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Who can recommend me to a brush restorer?

Hi Gents: Hope all is well with you & your families. Just got a cool looking brush (Every Ready) in the wild for $5. I love the cool looking vintage handle. I am wanting to restore it and I was hoping you guys can lead me to the right person. I want to put a TGN silver tip with the same loft as a 620.

Thanks for listening. I look forward to your responses. Enclosed is a pic of my find.


The ER 100/150 brushes are great candidates for a do it yourself project. This is coming from a guy with few tools and even less ability to use them. I have worked on 3 of them so far and have really enjoyed the process. There is a great community of restore fanatics here on B&B, and many of them have given me good advice and information. I highly recommend giving it a shot.
The ER 100/150 brushes are great candidates for a do it yourself project. This is coming from a guy with few tools and even less ability to use them. I have worked on 3 of them so far and have really enjoyed the process. There is a great community of restore fanatics here on B&B, and many of them have given me good advice and information. I highly recommend giving it a shot.
Hi Chris: I am a man with many talents but I am no handyman. I can put a new light bulb in and that is about it. I would not where to begin.

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