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Which Witch?

I'd like to give witch hazel a try. While at a local health store I found quite a large variety of "flavors": aloe, medicated (camphor---hmmm), lavender, etc.
I can't remember the brands---there were a few. As always...too many choices!:001_huh:

Are there any favorites out there? Especially among brands normally available locally?
If you don't mind a little alcohol, you might just go with a store brand...most grocery stores & pharmacies will have it by the hydrogen peroxide & rubbing alcohol. It's not hugely alcoholic (14%), even for an A/S. And they're cheap as all get-out.

Otherwise, look for Thayer's in your local health/organic food store. I've heard good things about their Rose Petal variety.
I use a generic from CVS. I'm just going to put AS on after, so what's the point in spending more to get a scented one?
Prefer generic/store brand myself.


If you're looking for real WH, then simply go to the nearest grocery or drug store. If you want an AS that contains some WH in it, get Thayers, but you'll pay alot more. :001_smile

If ever you want to find out the differences between actual WH and what alot of people pass off as WH, search for posts from member ClubmanRob. He very clearly exlpains all this.
Generic works well and is very cheap. I recently bought a bottle of Thayers Superhazel and really like it...has a lot of good stuff in it.
Generally there are three groups:

1. Generic
2. Dickinsons and Humphreys
3. Thayers

I've never tried generic. I use Dickinsons and it has a bit of funky smell for about 2 seconds. I put lime eo in it, and so mine smells good. Don't worry about the alcohol....14% is nothing. It's not like 50% or more alcohol aftershaves.

People who use Thayers love it, and love the smell and the quality.

Price should not be an issue. A bottle of WH lasts me about six months, perhaps more.
I like a large splash of Dickinsons after a shave. Tried Thayer's lavender, but neither my wife nor I liked it. The cost of Dickinson's is not much more than generic and way less than Thayers. Plus Dickinson's is easier to find in my area.
I like Thayer's Original. Dickenson's is good, but I don't care for the scent, although it doesn't last too long.


I use the Thayer's Original; love the smell and the way it makes my skin feel.
I just started witch hazel in my routine. I first tried Thayer's Lavender but switched Thayer's Original non scented. One says its a toner ad the other says astringent. Im thinking of getting the sampler from Thayer's. I actually didnt know what a toner was and what the difference between that and an astringent so here is a link to help anyone clueless like me.
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