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Which to choose between these brushes?

Hi all!

I've been shaving with a DE razor and all the wet-shaving gear for about 6 weeks now, and I keep getting deeply satisfying shaves, thanks in no small part to all the great info on this board!

I currently have a Rooney 1/1 in Best Badger, which I quite like (size-wise, shape of the handle, etc.). I only use creams and I bowl-lather, though I enjoy spending quite a bit of time massaging the lather on my face afterwards.

I'd like to try a Silvertip badger brush, and I'm currently torn between a Kent BK4 (or maybe BLK4, in black) or a Rooney in Super Silvertip (1/1, 2/1 or 3/1). Any comments that might help me decide?

I'm also open to suggestions, though I'd like to spend no more than ~80 USD.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: What do you guys think of the Shavemac #177 21mm Silvertip? I've heard good things about Shavemacs (though I've also heard about some guys getting shedders...), and it is within my budget.
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The 1/1 handle is too small for bowls in my honest opinion. It's also a very scrubby brush that's more suited for soaps...if you use creams mostly and bowl lather, why not try the 3/1...it's got a longer handle and does amazingly well with creams and reasonably okay for soaps...
They're all very good brushes.

If you like the face feel of your Rooney, then you'll find the BK4 totally opposite. It is tremendous at bowl lathering creams and more than adequate at soaps. Compared to the Rooney though, it will feel floppy.

If you like the size of the 1/1, then you'll find the handle of the 2/1 too long. ssultan's suggestion of the 3/1 as the best of the Rooneys for you is right on.

The Shavemac has a pronounced bulb-shaped knot that feels different on the face than the Rooney fan shape. Only you'll be able to tell if you like it. It has good backbone and is very soft. The 177 in finest provides a little more backbone than the silvertip (closer to the Rooney) and the tips are almost as soft as the silvertip.

The Saville Row 3122 in silvertip is also a very fine brush. The backbone is close to the Shavemac finest and the tips are in between the Shavemac finest and silvertip in softness.
Is the Rooney 3/1 in Super Silvertip going to feel much "different" from the 1/1 in Best Badger I already own? I know of course that brush preference can be quite subjective, but I didn't want to buy a brush that feels quite similar to one I already own (for the better or for the worse).
the 3/1 in Super should be a pretty noticeable improvement over the 1/1 in Best. It'll perform better with creams than the 1/1, but retains a great soap-savvy setup. I would mention that I got mine from VintageBladesLLC.com and have heard that Jim asks for his brushes to be of a slightly shorter loft from Rooney. That's total hear-say, I admit - but Jim is a class act, and I have no trouble referring your business to him. Best place to buy a Rooney, IMO.
I believe they're different beasts. Depending on where you purchased your 1/1, the two brushes should have different lofts EVEN if they were in the same hair grade. In different hair grades, the identical brush will feel different. You'll find the Rooney in Super Silvertip to have really soft tips and should provide for a very different experience than your 1/1.
Let me add - there's a big difference between the BK4 and any of those Rooney's - the Rooney's are set at a shorter loft and have a denser fill than the Kent, so the Kent will seem quite floppy by comparison. Some gents like it, others don't. If you're enjoying your 1/1, I'd stick w/Rooney or try something like a Simpson Colonel X2L. Their "Best" is a notch or two higher than Rooney's best (more like their Super).
Wow, those were some quick replies!

I believe they're different beasts. Depending on where you purchased your 1/1, the two brushes should have different lofts EVEN if they were in the same hair grade. In different hair grades, the identical brush will feel different. You'll find the Rooney in Super Silvertip to have really soft tips and should provide for a very different experience than your 1/1.

That's what I wanted to hear!

Let me add - there's a big difference between the BK4 and any of those Rooney's - the Rooney's are set at a shorter loft and have a denser fill than the Kent, so the Kent will seem quite floppy by comparison. Some gents like it, others don't. If you're enjoying your 1/1, I'd stick w/Rooney or try something like a Simpson Colonel X2L. Their "Best" is a notch or two higher than Rooney's best (more like their Super).

I'd go with a Simpsons Duke 2 in best badger or a Colonel X2L in best badger depending on what handle style you prefer.

Is Simpsons' Best Badger really equivalent to Rooney's Super Silvertip? I've always been intrigued by Simpsons, but I tend to find them a bit too expensive for me... A Colonel X2L or a Duke 2 in Best would be within my budget, but at least according to descriptions on various vendors, they are supposed to be better with soaps and face lathering. I only use creams and bowl lather, would that be a problem? Are there other Simpsons brushes that might be more recommended for me?

Thanks for all the input!:thumbup:
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