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Which of these pens is the best

Which pen is nicer?

  • Aurora Optima Burgundy

  • Aurora Optima Blue

  • Delta Shadow Gray

  • Delta Celestial Blue

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Please, indulge me. Place your vote for the best pen, based on looks or whatever. Kindly explain your choice below.

  1. Aurora Optima Burgundy
  2. Aurora Optima Blue
  3. Delta Gray Shadow Demonstrator
  4. Delta Stantuffo Celestial Blue

(Pictures not exactly to scale.)

I would go for the Stantuffo, but that's purely on looks. I've never used either brand, so I can't comment on which is the best/nicest. I hear great things about the Deltas.

I like #3, i think I have a thing for demonstrators, I have a mechanical mind and seeing the innards appeals to me, plus it looks classy as hell!
I saw a "How it's made" with aurora FPs so I respect their quality. That being said demonstrators are always cool and I really like the furniture on #3
That's a lot of cash for a demonstrator. I just don't trust clear plastic for some reason. It doesn't seem durable. Just my bias, though.

Get both! It sounds like it's up to you to expound on the virtues of Aurora and Delta for us, Vlad. One from each manufacturer should keep you happy for a while.

There's something cheezy looking about the Aurora nib. I can't seem to get over it.
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