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Which do you prefer?

Hi, Gents.
In terms of quality, scents, lather, price, efficacy etc. Which handcrafted shave soaps do you prefer?



Can't comment on the SCS soaps but I use the Gentlemans Quarter soaps and can recommend them highly. Great sometimes intoxicating scents and slick lather.
Daniel --

It's a toss-up to compare SCS vs TGQ with respect to shave soaps. Both are excellent products.

I have soaps from all the crafter/artisans who make shave soaps here on B&B, and all are quite good in their own way and all have a following. My own preference is that I tend to favor HoneyBee_Spa soaps. Lather easily, lubricates face, and softens whiskers, and great skin care. Recommended.

-- John Gehman
Prairie Creations! Haven't tried Saint Charles Shave yet, but I have tried The Gentlemen's Quarter - and I still prefer PC tallows over all others.
I too haven't tried SCS yet but The Gentlemen's Quarter makes extremely good shave soap, though I'm pretty sure SCS does as well I have not tried it yet. I'm gonna have to go with sanuginz and say buy them both just flip a coin or something to pick the first.
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